以My sunday為題寫短文提示星期天早已七點半起床中午和媽媽一起去動物園中午短暫休息以

時間 2022-06-07 12:10:02


what a fine morning!

a sunday morning in the parkit is a fine sunday morning.there are a lot of people in the park.many of them are young and some are old.

some young pioneers are playing games over there.two boys are playing with their yo-yos.a girl is flying a kite.

two children are mending a toy boat.there is a big lake in the park.the water is clear.

there are some boats on the lake.near the lake a young man is running.

there is a house near the lake.beside the house two men are working.a woman is watering the flowers.

the flowers look very nice.a girl is drawing.three other girls are taking photos.

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