
時間 2021-05-07 19:59:54


the morning of april 8th, we are a pedestrian bus ride to zhangqiu, arriving there, we first divided the dormitory, i divided in 115 quarters, in the first day, we are familiar with the surrounding environment, and had a health education class, the next few days. we went fishing, pottery, do carnations, sewing bag, wall climbing escape. the afternoon of april 12th, we and unable to part from the left, we will never forget the day.

求一篇英語作文,最好有複合句和並列句,**等,急!!! 50


花無情似歌聲 誰是你的旅行伴侶 在這裡,在這條綿長的人生小徑上,我看到它的路轉峰迴,看到它的起伏跌宕,有時,驕陽暴晒,梅雨霏霏。然而依然有著前行的足跡,勇敢地穿越而過。我遇到那個溫潤美麗的姑娘,她微微一笑,笑音猶如泠泠動聽的泉水。她說她不哭泣,愛是她的旅行伴侶。她說 我們隨時播種隨時開花,使一路上穿...


翻譯如下 大,小,多,少,長,短 big,small,many,little,long,short big,small many,few long,short big small much little long short 小阿飛會飛 large and small,more,less,long,...


yy象棋酷 gs has kwwjalsj nawh.sbwh whshb watahxw,hwswhjh agwvws 假定你打算去英國旅遊,想在網上招募一個旅伴。請你寫一篇英語作文,介紹你的行程和要求。20 小時候我 以為你很美麗,領著一群小鳥飛來飛去。小時候我以為你很神氣,說上一句話也驚天動地...