
時間 2021-06-02 22:44:31





how much does it cost ? 10dollars. it's too expensive.

/ok .i'll take it.這個多少錢?



1、a:lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪兒?

b:i want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超級市場。

a:wait a few minutes and i'll go there with you. 請等一下,我和你一道去。

b:let's get a shopping cart. 我們去拿一輛手推車吧。

a:good ideaa 好主意。

b:what are you going to buy? 你要買什麼?

a:let's check out the fruit section first. 我們先去看看水果吧。

b:ok. i'd like some oranges.

but they don't look quite ripe yet. 好的。我想買些橘子。


a:look, nice fresh cherries! they are ripe and soft.

i'll take some. 你看,多棒多新鮮的櫻桃!又熟又軟。


b:i'll take some, too. 我也買一些吧。

a:let's go to the snacks section. i want some chocolate and sweets.


b:ok. i'll go and buy some cakes. 好的。我去買些蛋糕。

a:do you want to buy something else? 你還要買什麼嗎?

b:no. let's go over to the check-out stand. 不買了。我們去收款臺吧。

2、a: can i help you? 有什麼可以幫忙的

b: yes, please. i'm looking for a jacket. 謝謝, 我想看看夾克

a: what size do you wear: 你穿多大尺碼?

b: large 大號

a: what color? 顏色?

b: black 黑色

a: any special brand? 什麼牌子的呢?

b: no. just something ****** and not too expensive.沒有要求,簡單不太貴的.

a: how about this one? 你看這點怎麼樣?

b: lt looks great! can i try it on? 看起來不錯, 我可以試試嗎?

a: sure. go head. 當然可以, 你去試吧

b: how much is it? 多少錢?

a: it is only 80 yuan. 只要80塊

b: ok. i will take it. thanks. 好的, 我要了, 謝謝.

購物英語情景對話 5分鐘


a:what can i do for you?有什麼能夠幫助你嗎?

b:yes,i want to buy a t-shirt.can you lead me to see?


好的,這邊走b:the red one is beautiful . how much is it?

紅色的那件很漂亮,多少錢呢?a:150 yuan 150元b:

oh, it's too dear. oh,太貴了a:enenen..

what about the blue one? it's only 100 yuan. 嗯..

唔.. 藍色的那件怎麼樣,它只需100元b:it's beautiful too.

i'll take it! 這件也很漂亮, 我要買它! 意思也給你打上了。




what can i do for you ?/can i help you ?

i would like to buy a coat for my son.

how about the one?

well,how much is it ?

100 yuan.

well,i'll take it .



how much?多少錢?

i want this color我想要這種顏色i want one kilo我要一斤

here you are.給你。

is it on sale?這是**產品嗎?

too dear.could you give me some discount?太貴了,能給我打折嗎?


a:can i help you?

b:i want a pair of shoes.

a:how about it?

b:en, it feels good.how much dose it costs?


b:ok, i will take it.


how much does it cost 10dollars.it s too expensive.ok i ll take it.這個多少錢?十美元,太貴了。好的,我會買下它 迷失看會書 1 a lucy,where are you going?露西,你去哪兒?b i want to go to...


hi,what do you want to buy?i want to buy a pair of shoes.what colour do you want?i like red.i think this pair is good.i think so.thank you. a can i he...


a hello.may i speak to mary,please?喂,請找一下瑪麗?b speaking.who s calling,please?我就是。請問哪位?a hi,mary.this is tom.你好,瑪麗。我是湯姆。b oh,hi,tom.how ve you been?哦,你好...