1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 40,這些時間的英語怎麼寫

時間 2021-06-14 14:08:30


這個是有規則的,時間的表示方法有2種,一種是直接用數字,讀出,例如,1:10就為 one ten;1:50 就讀做 one fifyty;

另一種就是要用到past (超過) 前半個小時 翻譯為:幾點過幾分

to(到多久還差) 後半個小時 翻譯為:到幾點還差幾分1:10 ten past one

1:50 ten to two

1:15 a quarter past one1:45 a quarter to two2:

30 half past two2:00 two o'clock

3:20 twenty past three3:40 twenty to four

注:a quarter 意思是四分之一,為15分鐘half意思為一半,為30分鐘




one ten(ten past one 一點過十分)one fifty(ten to two 兩點差十分)one fifteen(fifteen past one 一點過十五分/a quarter past one 一點過一刻)

one forty-five(fifteen to two 兩點差十五分/a quater to two 兩點差一刻)

two thirty(half past two 兩點半)two(two o'clock 兩點鐘)

three twenty(twenty past three 三點過二十分)

three forty(twenty to four 四點差二十分)


ten past one

ten to two

a quarter past one

half past two

two o,clock

twenty past three

forty past three

用英語表示時間 1:30 2:20 3:40 4:45 5:15 6:48 7:59 8:55 9:45 10:10 11:47 12:00


half past one

two twenty (twenty after two)three fourty (twenty to four)four forty-five (a quarter to five)

a quarter past five

six forty-eight

one to eight

five to nine

a quarter to ten (eight fifty-five)

ten past ten

eleven forty-seven

twelve o'clock


一,one past thirty ;two past twenty ;three past forty ;以此類推

二,two to thirty ;three to forty;four to twenty.........以此類推



one past thirty two past twenty 以此類推


half past one


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