
時間 2021-08-11 17:19:48



在主語從句中用以表示驚奇、惋惜、理應如此等意,其謂語用should +動詞原形,should 在口語中可省略.主要用於以下三種結構:1)itis necessary/important/natural / strange/essential /advisable/desirable/urgent …+that...

如:it is necessary that he (should) get everything ready by tomorrow evening.到明天晚上前把一切準備好是必要的.

it is important that you (should ) read english aloud every morning.你們每天早上朗讀英語很重要.2) it is a pity (a shame,no wonder...

)+that...如:it is a pity that she (should )be so careless.

她這麼粗心真是遺憾.it is no wonder that they (should) go there by air.難怪他們要坐飛機到那裡去.

3) it is suggested( decided,ordered,requested,desired,demanded,required,proposed,recommended) that ...如:it is requested that that factory (should) stop polluting the river.

要求那家工廠停止對那條河的汙染.it is decided that the sports meet (should) be put off till next week.已決定運動會推遲到下星期.


1) 在表示命令、建議、勸告、慾望、要求、主張這一類動詞後的賓語從句中,從句應用虛擬語氣,其謂語用should+動詞原形,should可省略,這類動詞有suggest,insist,demand,request,desire,order,ask,advise,propose ,command,recommend,require等,如:the teacher insisted that we (should) use an english-english dictionary.老師堅持要我們使用英英詞典.

i suggest the invitation to the conference (should) be sent to dr baker.我建議給貝克博士發出出席的邀請.


當表示間接的要求、建議、命令、決定、慾望、勸告、主張等名詞作主語時,其表語從句用虛擬語氣.這類名詞有suggestion,proposal ,request,order,advice,idea,demand,recommendation等,其謂語用(should)+動詞原形.如:

our suggestion is that you (should) be the first to go.我們的建議是你應該先去.my idea is that he (should) do his homework first.


如:do you know the order that you (should ) keep watch 你知道你該去放哨的命令嗎?we all agreed to his suggestion that we (should ) go to beijing for sightseeing.



在主語叢句中,謂語動詞的虛擬語氣結構用 should 動詞原形 的結構,表示驚奇,不相信,惋惜,理應如此等。常見的結構還有it s v that should do,後面可解虛擬語氣的動詞有,suggested,ordered,required,proposed,demanded,requested...


粉薰 wish hope insist as if recommend suggest propose require demand request command order if only would rather suggest,propose,require,demand,request,i...


嚴格來說,i wish you would.i wish you did.i wish you would take a shower.i wish you took a shower不符虛擬語氣的結構。wish 虛擬語態 表示一種後悔 某事沒有發生 甚至是一種不能實現的願望。1.wish 過去完成...