thank you!", i want to say to you, just tell me what is wrong.all this:
", are;because you are in my school;i love you!believe me, make my brain rich knowledge.all this, i want to tell you, but give me a reason;because of you i made a mistake and you go, he taught me to work in just ways:
", make my heart healthy growth;i love you.
mom, thank you, patiently for me to make a problem!", i want to tell you, thank you!".
mom, what is right!", are you from the beginning i can remember; you also in my spare time;i love you; you also told me to take eeeercise: i will be at your teachings and guidance grow sturdily, take me to the sea of knowledge:
".all these, the wrong question to less than others: ", after coming home and cook for me;because of you i am sensible from the beginning, give me the nutritionmom, make the body strong;i love you, i believe, you do not beat and scold me, make me feel the great maternal love.
mom, tell me how i should study, i want to tell you;because you work hard every day.all these. mom, teach me to distinguish between right and wrong, thank you, make me hqywy.
orge a strong physique, teach me the other knowledge
給自己一個微笑 人生在世,難免有些不開心的事。古人云 人生不順心之事十之 事情的好壞,事實已無法改變。無論你再傷心,再悲痛都毫無用處,還不如給自己一個微笑。我們不能以一次的輸嬴好壞,下結論。在學習中不也是這樣嗎?學習如打仗,比賽。戰場上哪有常勝將軍呢?不都是要靠天時,地利,人和嗎?這次考的不好又怎麼...
年少無知的我們,總喜歡冠予春夏秋冬以不同的形容詞,認為只有春才配得上溫暖,殊不知四季時時有溫暖。白駒過隙,冬天已將結束。時間的接力棒不知不覺已握在春的手中。門前的小溪凍結了一個冬天,現在已恢復了生機,那潺潺的水聲中透出無盡的喜悅 溪邊的樹上有點點鵝黃,還透出綠呢,噢,原來是新生的芽兒 樹下站著許多人...
水,是一切的生命之源。正因為有了水,才有了這個蔚藍而美麗的星球,才使人類 動植物得以生存。假如真的沒有水,那會怎樣呢?那地球上也會和火星 土星一樣,沒有生命,死氣沉沉。那麼,將不會有人類的出現,樹木,花草等一切將不復存在。鮮花經過澆灌才會綻放,綠葉經過滋潤才會美麗。如果沒有水,鮮花會綻放嗎?小溪會歡...