
時間 2021-10-27 12:58:44


for two days, the water from the sea of salty, across the sea, and the seagulls fly...

early in the morning to seaside yesterday, just met just went back, the fishermen overnight results of sorting them night: big fish, shrimp and crab pipi...

we bought three catties site wriggling pipi shrimp, fishermen to our site, we sit on the processing, enjoying the delicious! really fresh!

facing the sea, that man's strength is really cannot compete with nature, we was born in nature, but in our city, like the dreams of the same variable!

i don't want to resist with nature, i want to embrace it, just like it embraces me...

in the afternoon, the gold coast swim here long coastline, seawater is clean, thus coming here to swim the person! and the people around you chatted, from beijing, after a while, to a foreigner who, ***y bikini, healthy body, particularly conspicuous, they also come from beijing, six men hired a car passat, let me extremely surprised...

at 6:00 p.m.

go back the beijing-shenyang expressway, 80% are beijing car! high speed, slowly become only in 70-80 percent! we didn't get home at 11:

00 at night! upon his face after home beginning pack! estimation is allergic to seafood, uncomfortable, i swear never to eat seafood!

(in blogging, while eating fish). fish should not seafood.. grace

the next time i buy a large tent, live in the sea!!!!!!!!!!


空美媛齋癸 阿姨,我有低血糖,不多吃點我會死的.其他的菜我又吃不下飯,只喜歡吃魚了,你就多給我打點吧,我家裡窮,父母種地,沒有多少收入,我這點錢剛夠生活,希望阿姨能照顧我點.我也是沒有辦法的.實在不行 你大叫一聲 媽的,你想不想活喲. 仙寶邱安南 高手高高手,親身體驗才是高手。誰會去做這樣的傻事呢?...


咪咪 至上 1 膽子大點,先斬後奏。2 18歲在讀書吧?要不跟家裡說學校裡搞活動唄 要麼,叫位女同學,說這兩天她爸媽不在家,一個住怕,要她陪陪,叫個年齡大點的,冒充下,女同學的父母 如果沒讀書,就說要到外地培訓。3 再者,其實每位父母都只是太愛了,所以管得太嚴了,如果邇們真的以後要在一起,何不跟家裡...


麗蓓嘉 我像你那麼大的時候最好明天就到20歲,我想知道做大人的感覺。等我現在23了,我想回到14歲,但不可能了,但你和我不同的是,你還有15 22的這些光陰,但我已經不再擁有了。你想知道如何快點度過,那我可以肯定的告訴你,這世界上沒有一個人可以超前別人過日子,但這段青春年華過的會非常非常快的!請你把...