
時間 2022-03-20 04:15:04


thirty thousand and fifty-ninetwo million,four hundred and sixty thousand, nine hundred and two

seven thousand and thirty-oneeight hundred thousand and sixty.

fifty-seven thousand, four hundred and fifty-one


6.three thousand and fifty nine7.two million forty six thousand nine hundred and two

8.seven thousand and thirty one9.eight hundred thousand and sixty

10.fifty seven thousand four hundred and fifty one


143,840 one hundred and three thousand,eight hundred and forty dollars.其它如 1004 one thousand and four 147,258 one hundred forty seven thousand,two hun...

認為用英語怎么表達,發現 認為 用英語怎麼表達

都可以 都是對的 find think it 名詞 形容詞 to do sth 這個用法舉個例子 我發現這道題很難解答。就是 i find think it difficult to work out.上句句子結構是 主語 i 謂語 find think 賓語 it 賓語補足語 difficult ...

用英語表達 5 10 12 8 6 9 7

five fifty ten to six ten forty five a quarter to eleven ten past twelve twelve ten eight thirty five twenty five to nine six forty eight forty eight ...