翻譯下列句子 1 有一輪明月掛在天空。2 我的鉛筆盒裡3只鋼筆,1支鉛筆。3 籃球運動員姚明球打得相當棒

時間 2022-06-06 01:20:03


1全部1. there is a bright moon hanging in the sky.

2. there are three pens and one pencil in my pencilbox.

3. yao ming, the basketball player, plays well in the court.


1\ there is a bright moon on the sky.

2\ there are three pen and a pencil in my pencil box.

3\ yao ming, a basketball player, plays basketball very well.


the moon is shining in the sky.

there is a pencil and three pens in my pencil box.

yao ming is a fantasic basketball player.


there is a bright moom hanging in the sky.

there are three pens and a pencil in my pencilbox.

the basketball player yao ming plays basketball very well.

求作文 心中有一輪明月,作文《心中那一輪明月》

槐花凋後,桂花香時,秋天裡最美麗的一枚書籤 中秋節,飄然而至。無論是每一次親情溫故,還是遊子思鄉,它都承載著人們對過去美好的眷戀與記憶。我們憧憬,我們欣喜,不是因為能擁有片刻的輕閒與溫馨,而是因為它的色彩裡有著幾千年歷史文化的積澱。小鎮稱得上是雨的故鄉。春天來的雨就洞穿了夏,就淋透了秋,就向蕭索的冬...

「一輪明月掛在天空」寫成比喻句,一輪明月掛在天空 改寫成比喻句

小板板 一輪明月掛在天上,似無暇的白玉盤般皎潔。一輪明月如玉盤懸掛在藍藍的天空,傾瀉一地水銀。一輪明月像一個大大的玉盤掛在天空。晚飯沒吃飽,看到一輪明月好似大餅一樣掛在天空。一顆夜明珠在夜裡,像一輪明月掛在天空。一輪明月像圓盤一樣掛在天空。一輪圓盤般的明月掛在天空。一輪明淨皎潔的明月,又如一塊天宮的...


普籃 槐花凋後,桂花香時,秋天裡最美麗的一枚書籤 中秋節,飄然而至。無論是每一次親情溫故,還是遊子思鄉,它都承載著人們對過去美好的眷戀與記憶。我們憧憬,我們欣喜,不是因為能擁有片刻的輕閒與溫馨,而是因為它的色彩裡有著幾千年歷史文化的積澱。小鎮稱得上是雨的故鄉。春天來的雨就洞穿了夏,就淋透了秋,就向蕭...