英語作文初三水平,簡單點的。80詞左右 題目是英文的要幾分我都給你

時間 2022-06-07 14:45:02


1全部dear nancy

hey nancy,i feel very depressed now.i don't know what i will do.i argued with my parents yesterday.

they weren't allowed me to hang out with friends.although i think i am old enough to take care of myself,in my parents' eyes,i am always little one and always do wrong things.i want to change my parents' mind.

what should i do ?can you tell me?

your friend



dear nancy,

i had an argument with my parents yesterday. they wouldn't let me go out with my friends on a saturday evening. i think i'm old enough already to take care of myself, but they don't think so.

they worry too much. what should i do? i really think my parents are wrong and i should go out with my friends.

please help. thanks.



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