
時間 2022-06-13 01:45:02


wangfang is kind to others. she is good at all the subjects. she always tries her best to learn everyting.

she is clever and she considers things thoughtful. she often helps teacher do some things.


wang fang yi very friedly with other people .she is


wang fang is friendly to everyone,she is good for all subjects ,always try to leard all subjects. she is clever,thoughtful things to consider,often helps teacher do some things.如果錯了,對不起啊。。。


wang fang gets along well with others.she's good at all subjects and tries her best to do them well.she's intelligent and thoughtful.

she always helps teachers deal with something.


wang fang is kind to others.she is good at all the subjects and try to learn every subject well.

she is clever and thoughtful,she often help with the teacher.


八月二號星期五 天氣晴。今天早飯我們吃了一些麵包,它很美味。早上我們去了天安門廣場,非常漂亮!下午我們去游泳,很熱,我很享受教孩子們游泳。今天早飯我們吃了些麵包,很美味。上午我們去了天安門廣場。多麼美麗。下午,我們去游泳。很熱。我樂於教一些孩子游泳。今天很冷。我們去了長城。長城很長也很棒。我們非常累...


你好,我是戴維格林,戴維是我的名,格林是我的姓,我住在北京,我的父母在這裡工作,我的父親是一名醫生,我的母親是一名教師,我有一個姐姐但是沒有兄弟,我的家很大而且非常漂亮。在這裡我們看見一張床,一張桌子和兩個椅子,我的書放在我的桌子上,那是什麼?他們是一些 我愛這些 我也愛我的家。你好!我叫大衛 格林...

初一英語翻譯請詳細解答,謝謝20 12

躲不過 1,what can i help you 這兩個句子是互換的,記著就行 2.time for 1.我覺得直接是 iwould like to know him 2.a of 3.would like with 佚釐 1,what can i do for you?2,it s time f...