
時間 2021-06-19 02:00:21



commandbutton * 2

picturebox * 1

pictureclip(注:**剪下控制元件) * 1

timer * 3


frmtimer 的**

option explicit

public t as integer, str as string

public h as integer, m as integer, s as integer

private sub show_led(pictimer as picturebox, str as string)


dim s as string * 1

dim pos as integer

dim n as integer

dim i as integer

for i = 1 to len(str)

s = mid(str, i, 1)

n = -1

select case s

case "0" to "9"

n = cint(s)

case ":"

n = 10

case "-"

n = 11

case "."

n = 12

case "a", "a"

n = 13

case "p", "p"

n = 14

case " "

n = 15

end select

if n <> -1 then

pictimer.paintpicture pctimer.graphiccell(n), pos, 0

pos = pos + 300

end if


end sub

private sub cmdrestart_click() '秒錶的回零

h = 0

m = 0

s = 0

str = ""

cmdstart.caption = "開始"

timer1.enabled = false: str = "00:00:00"

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)

end sub

private sub cmdstart_click() '秒錶的開始和暫停控制

if cmdstart.caption = "開始" then

h = 0

m = 0

s = 0

cmdstart.caption = "暫停"

timer1.enabled = true

cmdrestart.enabled = false

exit sub

elseif cmdstart.caption = "暫停" then

cmdstart.caption = "繼續"

timer1.enabled = false

cmdrestart.enabled = true

exit sub


cmdstart.caption = "暫停"

timer1.enabled = true

cmdrestart.enabled = false

exit sub

end if

end sub

private sub form_load() '窗體載入

call mnuclock_click

end sub

private sub mnuclock_click() '時鐘



timer1.enabled = false

timer2.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = false

cmdrestart.visible = false

frmtimer.caption = "時鐘"

timer3.enabled = true

pictimer.visible = true

clsend sub

private sub mnucuntdwnclock_click() '倒計時



timer1.enabled = false

timer3.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = false

cmdrestart.visible = false

frmset.visible = true

frmtimer.caption = "倒計時鐘"

pictimer.visible = true

end sub

private sub mnuexit_click() '退出選項

unload frmtimer: unload frmset

end sub

private sub mnustopwatch_click() '秒錶



timer1.enabled = false

timer2.enabled = false

timer3.enabled = false

cmdstart.visible = true

cmdrestart.visible = true

frmtimer.caption = "秒錶"

pictimer.visible = true

end sub

private sub timer1_timer() '秒錶計時過程

str = ""

s = s + 1

if s = 100 then '秒錶數字顯示的處理

s = 0

m = m + 1

if m = 60 then

m = 0

h = h + 1

if h = 24 then

h = 0

end if

end if

end if

if h < 10 then '數字顯示格式的處理

str = str & 0 & h

else: str = str & h

end if

if m < 10 then

str = str & ":" & 0 & m

else: str = str & ":" & m

end if

if s < 10 then

str = str & ":" & 0 & s

else: str = str & ":" & s

end if

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)

end sub

private sub timer2_timer() '倒計時計時過程


str = ""

t = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s

if t >= 1 then

s = s - 1

if s = -1 then

s = 59

m = m - 1

end if

if m = -1 then

m = 59

h = h - 1

end if

if h < 10 then

str = str & "0" & h


str = str & ":" & h

end if

if m < 10 then

str = str & ":" & "0" & m


str = str & ":" & m

end if

if s < 10 then

str = str & ":" & "0" & s


str = str & ":" & s

end if

clscall show_led(pictimer, str)


pictimer.visible = false

clsfrmtimer.print "時間到"

timer2.enabled = false

end if

end sub

private sub timer3_timer() '時鐘顯示過程

str = cstr(now)

call show_led(pictimer, str)

clsend sub


text * 3

commandbuton * 1

label * 3


frmset 的**

option explicit

private sub cmdcuntstart_click()

frmtimer.h = val(txtinput(0))

frmtimer.m = val(txtinput(1))

frmtimer.s = val(txtinput(2))

if frmtimer.h + frmtimer.m + frmtimer.s = 0 then

call msgbox("輸入錯誤,請重新輸入", 48, "多功能計時器")


frmtimer.timer2.enabled = true

unload frmset

end if

end sub




秋色烽火 dim vy 自增量 private sub command1 click timer1.enabled not timer1.enabled end sub private sub form load vy 60 自增量 timer1.interval 100end sub privat...


正在給你做,晚上給你。 使用timer控制元件 聲音的使用beep vb6.0倒計時程式怎麼再最後10秒出現滴滴滴的警示音 心隨心潮 在窗體上畫一個timer控制元件 一個按鈕,一個progressbar控制元件 需要新增部件microsoft windows common controls 6.0...


1 開啟vb6.0,新建一個工程,在窗體中新增三個命令按鈕,caption分別改為 設定倒計時 啟動倒計時 繼續 將窗體form1的caption屬性改為 倒計時 新增一個計時器控制元件,新增一個文字框。2 將文字框的text屬性清空,將字型font屬性調整為小四,便於觀察,將背景色屬性backco...