
時間 2021-08-14 09:12:54



1、 建立語法

create proc | procedure pro_name

[ [=預設值] [output],

[=預設值] [output],



2、 建立不帶引數儲存過程


if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'proc_get_student'))

drop proc proc_get_student

gocreate proc proc_get_student

asselect * from student;


exec proc_get_student;

3、 修改儲存過程


alter proc proc_get_student

asselect * from student;

4、 帶參儲存過程


if (object_id('proc_find_stu', 'p') is not null)

drop proc proc_find_stu

gocreate proc proc_find_stu(@startid int, @endid int)

asselect * from student where id between @startid and @endid

goexec proc_find_stu 2, 4;

5、 帶萬用字元引數儲存過程


if (object_id('proc_findstudentbyname', 'p') is not null)

drop proc proc_findstudentbyname

gocreate proc proc_findstudentbyname(@name varchar(20) = '%j%', @nextname varchar(20) = '%')

asselect * from student where name like @name and name like @nextname;

goexec proc_findstudentbyname;

exec proc_findstudentbyname '%o%', 't%';

6、 帶輸出引數儲存過程

if (object_id('proc_getstudentrecord', 'p') is not null)

drop proc proc_getstudentrecord

gocreate proc proc_getstudentrecord(

@id int, --預設輸入引數

@name varchar(20) out, --輸出引數

@age varchar(20) output--輸入輸出引數)as

select @name = name, @age = age from student where id = @id and *** = @age;


declare @id int,

@name varchar(20),

@temp varchar(20);

set @id = 7;

set @temp = 1;

exec proc_getstudentrecord @id, @name out, @temp output;

select @name, @temp;

print @name + '#' + @temp;

7、 不快取儲存過程

--with recompile 不快取

if (object_id('proc_temp', 'p') is not null)

drop proc proc_temp

gocreate proc proc_temp

with recompile

asselect * from student;

goexec proc_temp;

8、 加密儲存過程

--加密with encryption

if (object_id('proc_temp_encryption', 'p') is not null)

drop proc proc_temp_encryption

gocreate proc proc_temp_encryption

with encryption

asselect * from student;

goexec proc_temp_encryption;

exec sp_helptext 'proc_temp';

exec sp_helptext 'proc_temp_encryption';

9、 帶遊標引數儲存過程

if (object_id('proc_cursor', 'p') is not null)

drop proc proc_cursor

gocreate proc proc_cursor

@cur cursor varying output

asset @cur = cursor forward_only static for

select id, name, age from student;

open @cur;


declare @exec_cur cursor;

declare @id int,

@name varchar(20),

@age int;

exec proc_cursor @cur = @exec_cur output;--呼叫儲存過程

fetch next from @exec_cur into @id, @name, @age;

while (@@fetch_status = 0)


fetch next from @exec_cur into @id, @name, @age;

print 'id: ' + convert(varchar, @id) + ', name: ' + @name + ', age:

' + convert(char, @age);

endclose @exec_cur;

deallocate @exec_cur;--刪除遊標

10、 分頁儲存過程


if (object_id('pro_page', 'p') is not null)

drop proc proc_cursor

gocreate proc pro_page

@startindex int,

@endindex int

asselect count(*) from product

;select * from (

select row_number() over(order by pid) as rowid, * from product

) temp

where temp.rowid between @startindex and @endindex

go--drop proc pro_page

exec pro_page 1, 4


if (object_id('pro_page', 'p') is not null)

drop proc pro_stu

gocreate procedure pro_stu(

@pageindex int,

@pagesize int)as

declare @startrow int, @endrow int

set @startrow = (@pageindex - 1) * @pagesize +1

set @endrow = @startrow + @pagesize -1

select * from (

select *, row_number() over (order by id asc) as number from student

) twhere t.number between @startrow and @endrow;

exec pro_stu 2, 2;



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