vb6 0製作科學計算器

時間 2021-10-14 23:39:19


這是我很久以前編的了 你看下吧


private sub command1_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if



text1 = text1 + "7"

end sub

private sub command10_click()

dim tuige, tuige1

tuige = val(text1)

tuige1 = tuige mod 10

tuige = tuige - tuige1

tuige = tuige / 10

text1 = tuige

end sub

private sub command11_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "1"

end sub

private sub command12_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "2"

end sub

private sub command13_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "3"

end sub

private sub command14_click()

dim fanhui

if text1 <> "" then

fanhui = text1

label1 = fanhui


label1 = label1

end if

label2 = "-"

label3 = ""

label4 = ""

label5 = ""

text1 = ""

end sub

private sub command15_click()

dim pingfang

pingfang = val(text1)

if pingfang < 0 then

pingfang = 0 - pingfang

end if

pingfang = sqr(pingfang)

text1 = pingfang

end sub

private sub command16_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "0"

end sub

private sub command17_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

if text1 = "" then

text1 = "0."


text1 = text1 + "."

end if

end sub

private sub command18_click()

text1 = 0 - text1

end sub

private sub command19_click()

dim fanhui

if text1 <> "" then

fanhui = text1

label1 = fanhui


label1 = label1

end if

label2 = "+"

label3 = ""

label4 = ""

label5 = ""

text1 = ""

end sub

private sub command2_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "8"

end sub

private sub command20_click()

if label2 = "+" then

label3 = text1

label4 = "="

text1 = val(label1) + val(text1)

label5 = text1

end if

if label2 = "-" then

label3 = text1

label4 = "="

text1 = val(label1) - val(text1)

label5 = text1

end if

if label2 = "*" then

label3 = text1

label4 = "="

text1 = val(label1) * val(text1)

label5 = text1

end if

if label2 = "÷" then

if val(text1) = 0 then

text1 = "e"


label3 = text1

label4 = "="

text1 = val(label1) / val(text1)

label5 = text1

end if

end if

end sub

private sub command3_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "9"

end sub

private sub command4_click()

dim fanhui

if text1 <> "" then

fanhui = text1

label1 = fanhui


label1 = label1

end if

label2 = "÷"

label3 = ""

label4 = ""

label5 = ""

text1 = ""

end sub

private sub command5_click()

text1 = ""

label1 = ""

label2 = ""

label3 = ""

label4 = ""

label5 = ""

end sub

private sub command6_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "4"

end sub

private sub command7_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "5"

end sub

private sub command8_click()

if label5 <> "" and label5 = text1 then

text1 = ""

label1 = "": label2 = "": label3 = "": label4 = "": label5 = ""

end if

text1 = text1 + "6"

end sub

private sub command9_click()

dim fanhui

if text1 <> "" then

fanhui = text1

label1 = fanhui


label1 = label1

end if

label2 = "*"

label3 = ""

label4 = ""

label5 = ""

text1 = ""

end sub

private sub label1_click()

end sub

private sub label6_click()

shunzi = msgbox("你好,**測試版,bug一堆!", 1, "提示^_^")

end sub

private sub label7_click()

shunzis = msgbox("1,小數退格錯誤。2,小數點不該連按", 1, "已知bug彙總")

end sub


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