英文短語1 對非常瞭解2 許多人3 對某人很有幫助4 許多書5 他們中的一些6 英語講得好

時間 2021-05-23 20:07:48


1.know a lot about.....

2.many people

3.help sb a lot

4.many books

5..some of them

6.speak english well


1 very well in/at/on

2 many people

3 it's good/healthy/useful for4 a lot of books

5 some of them

6 speak english very well


1.be highly familiar with2.a lot of people

3.be helpful to sb.

4. many books

5. some of them

6. speak good english


1- know... a lot

2- a lot of people(persons)3-helpful to lots of people4- lots of books

5-some persons among them6-speak english well



a bird in hand is worth two bird in bush;

it's up to you;

see you later;

no pain,no gain;

there are a lot of this kind of proverb in www.***news.com


very good!


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