用Shall和be going to造句,每個造兩句話

時間 2021-07-23 07:06:12


i will be going to school tomorrow.

用一般將來時造句(will do,shall do,be going to do)各造三個。三個句子


i am going to go shopping。

shall we go out tomorrow?

i won't go out with you tomorrow.


he will come back tomorrow.

he won't agree with your idea.

will he come to the party?

i shall go home as soon as possible.

he shall not miss the class tomorrow.

shall we go to the station next tuesday?

i am going to study abroad.

she is not going to learn japanese.

are you going to attend the meeting ?




八度殘缺 shall we go to the park?sorry,i won t sorry,i am afraid i can not.sorry,i shall not.shall和will都可作助動詞和情態動詞,作助動詞用時幫助構成一般將來時。shall用於主語是第一人稱的句子,will用...


可以,但語句要精煉!你可以這樣造句 想剪一剪頭髮,可惜,越剪越短,甚至,剪得露出了頭皮。 我們分手了,甚至最後我們都不會覺得可惜吧 橘井的槐月 今天天氣悶熱,我們準備去小溪邊游泳,可惜天公不作美,下起了狂風暴雨,我們甚至都來到了河邊。 別婪 青草在雪中一副傷心的樣子,似乎在為傲骨青松折枝而可惜,甚至...

用are there造句用yes和no回答

問 is there any food in the fridge?冰箱裡有吃的嗎?肯定答 yes,there is。有。否定答 no,there isn t。沒有。問 are there any trees behind your house?你房子後有樹嗎?肯定答 yes,there are。有...