
時間 2021-05-07 19:58:57


i wanna be with you 后街男孩唱的。你看一下是不是,不是再問我!




歌名不是叫做one two three


ina的i wanted you?


wait til you here from you --sarah connor ?...



一直出現的歌詞是go you chicken fat,就是甩掉贅肉的意思,我查過了,貌似不是什麼歌,只是為了這個廣告錄的背景**而已,表現蘋果產品還可以鼓勵人甩掉贅肉。希望幫到你了



pink - who knew

you took my hand

you showed me how

you promised me you'd be around

ah huh that's right

i took your words

and i believed

in everything you said to me

yeah huh that's right

chorus 1

if someone said three years from now

you'd be long gone

i'd stand up and punch them out

cause they're all wrong

i know better

cause you said forever

and ever

who knew

remember when we were such fools

and so convinced and just too cool

oh no no no

i wish i could touch you again

i wish i could still call you a friend

i'd give anything

chorus 2

when someone said count your blessings now

'fore they're long gone

i guess i just didn't know how

i was all wrong

but they knew better

still you said forever

and ever

who knew

yeah yeah

i'll keep you locked in my head

until we meet again

until we until we meet again

and i won't forget you my friend

chorus 3

if someone said three years from now

you'd be long gone

i'd stand up and punch them out

cause they're all wrong and

that last kiss i'll cherish

until we meet again

and time makes it harder

i wish i could remember

but i keep your memory

you visit me in my sleep

my darlin' who knew

my darlin' my darlin' who knew

my darlin' i miss you

my darlin' who knew

who knew



奧林巴斯的廣告歌 lmnt的hey juliet

丹尼爾 bad day(這個好像是可口可樂的廣告歌)


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