今天早上9點半左右在103 7電臺聽到有一首男女對唱的英文歌

時間 2021-05-07 20:02:02



say something anyway

trouble is a friend








歌詞:long ago and not so far away


小野麗莎-take me home country roads?


今天早上六點一刻左右的fm103.7 **了一首女生唱的很空靈的英文歌 歌詞大概有ever eve 10


taylor swift《we are never ever getting back together》

今天廣播103.7中午1點左右放的一首英文歌曲叫什麼名字? 10


riverside - agnes obel

down by the river by the boats

where everybody goes to be alone

where you won't see any rising sun

down to the river we will run

when by the water we drink to the dregs

look at the stones on the river bed

i can tell from your eyes

you've never been by the riverside

down by the water the riverbed

somebody calls you somebody says

swim with the current and float away

down by the river everyday

oh my god i see how everything

is torn in the river deep

and i don't know why i go the way

down by the riverside

when that old river runs pass your eyes

to wash off the dirt on the riverside

go to the water so very near

the river will be your eyes and ears

i walk to the borders on my own

to fall in the water just like a stone

chilled to the marrow in them bones

why do i go here all alone

oh my god i see how everything

is torn in the river deep

and i don't know why i go the way

down by the riverside

oh my god i see how everything

is torn in the river deep

and i don't know why i go the way

down by the riverside

oh oh, hey hey

oh oh, hey hey

oh oh, hey hey

down by the riverside

down by the riverside

今天早上六點一刻左右的fm103.7 **了一首女生唱的很空靈的英文歌 歌詞不記得了 大概有eve 20


trouble - iggy azalea

alright i shoulda known

that you were bad news

from the bad boy demeanor

and the tattoos

cuz most guys only want one thing

get 'em undecided

so you can figure out if that's you

either way dog,

i think you with the test drive

cuz uuh you so much better

then the next guy

and a little trouble

only makes a good time

so all the memory reflects

by be a great sign

don't you come

and think you're a good ballin』

didn't that for

you seem like trouble to me

i can tell by the way

that you lean

and the way

that you kiss your teeth

and you turn up so fast and clean

smells like trouble to me,

oppose of the track,

as i say this is it

good girl, bad guy,

what a perfect match

and if you good,

you gonna want to play on bad times

cuz when you'll finish

you gonna feel like it was bump ties

see baby now you ready for a test drive

cuz you don't wanna lose

your ride to the next ride

and baby trouble

only makes you good time

so all the memory reflect

will be a good time

don't you come and think

you're a good ballin'

didn't that for

you seem like trouble to me

i can tell by the way that you lean

and the you that you kiss your teeth

and you turn up so fast and clean

smells like trouble to me,

i got a bad form in the worst way

dear lord

how i get in this position

shouda never got involve

in the first place

the second place

never get the recognition hmm

see , what you doing to me

make me wanna shout at loud

gotta hold on me

so let's forget all that

so clean now he's on trouble

better stay with me

and he almost feel warm

just cuz i never find an extra feel

got no afraid of me

you show me how to start

but seems like trouble to me

just cuz i never find an extra feel

got no afraid of me

you show me how to start

but seems like trouble to me

i shoulda known

that you were bad news

from the bad boy demeanor

and the tattoos

i shoulda known

that you were bad news

better on dicidide try to figure out that's you

trouble to me

don't you come and think

you're a good ballin'

didn't that for

you seem like trouble to me

i can tell by the way that you lean

and the you that you kiss your teeth

and you turn up so fast and clean

smells like trouble to me


2011年04月份結婚黃道吉日 公元2011年04月01日 農曆02月 小 28日 星期五 牡羊座 衝龍 庚辰 煞北 公元2011年04月03日 農曆03月 大 01日 星期日 牡羊座 衝馬 壬午 煞南 公元2011年04月04日 農曆03月 大 02日 星期一 牡羊座 衝羊 癸未 煞東 公元201...

晚上8點半 9點左右出生的(男),是什麼

12345a幫助 2010年十二生肖運勢 狗 2010年 庚寅年屬狗人的流年運程 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 進入2010年虎年,對於生肖狗的朋友來說,整個運程還是不錯的,兩者之間有半合之意,因此只要肖狗的朋友在此一年內安分守己 勤奮埋頭苦幹 尊重他人,對於自己看不慣...


山東大明星 農曆生日 2007年9月16日,查詢對應的陽曆是2007年10月26日。您的星座是 天蠍座 白羊座3.21 4.19火象星座 金牛座4.20 5.20土象星座 雙子座5.21 6.21風象星座 巨蟹座6.22 7.22水象星座 獅子座7.23 8.22火象星座 座8.23 9.22土象星...