《it never rains in southern california》-人魚小姐
got on board a westbound seven
forty seven
didn't think before deciding
what to do
ooh, that talk of opportunities
tv breaks and movies
rang true
sure rang true
seems it never rains in southern california
seems i've often heard that kind of talk before
it never rains in california
but girl don't they warn ya
it pours
man it pours
out of work
i'm out of my head
out of self respect
i'm out of bread
i'm underloved
i'm underfed
i wanna go home
it never rains in california
but girl don't they warn ya
it pours
man it pours
will you tell the folks back home
i nearly made it
had offers but didn't know
which one to take
please don't tell them how you found me
don't tell them how you found me
gimme a break
give me a break
不要去想如何套話,你如果喜歡她,就直接找她去,一個女孩子和別人一起喝酒,總不好,自己喜歡的女人就該自己照顧。問她 哇,一個人喝這麼多,注意身體啊。或者 我來陪你喝吧。順著這兩句聊下來,你就能知道你想要的答案。是沒男人疼的女人。哪有男人會讓自己的女人在外醉酒。喝酒的女人,是受過傷的女人。在現實生活中一...
官渡之戰 曹操,袁紹。穎川之戰 曹操,張氏三兄弟。濮陽之戰 呂布,曹操。張繡討伐戰 曹操,張秀。張繡討伐戰 2 曹操,張秀,劉表。袁術討伐戰 曹操,劉備,呂布,孫策,袁術。呂布殲滅戰 曹操,劉備,呂布。白馬之戰和延津之戰 曹操,關羽 劉備 袁紹。博望坡之戰 夏侯敦 曹操 孔明 劉備 長坂坡之戰 曹操...