fel the wei a wei a英文什麼歌

時間 2021-07-15 04:02:14


只聽過the way you make me feel這首歌哈!

按你的翻譯是feel the way away


是my village is big and beautiful! there are many houses in the village. they are small.

there are many high and beautiful mountains near the houses. there is a big forest behind the houses. there are many big trees in it.

there are many rivers in front of the houses. the water is clean. there are many fish in the rivers.

there are many bridges over the rivers. there are many big trees on the river banks. and there is grass and flowers on it.

the grass is green. the flowers are colourful and beautiful. there is a lake in the village.

there are many ducks in the lake. the sky is blue. the rivers flow.

the air is fresh and clean. i like my village very much!



世界各個國家的英文:countries of the world

world 讀法 英 [wɜːld]    美 [wɜːrld]

n. 世界;地球;世人;世間;領域

adj. 世界的

例句1、he is the richest man in the world.


2、there is a map of the world on the wall.


短語1、free world 自由世界

2、known world 已知的世界

3、lower world 地獄

4、material world 物質世界

5、modern world 現代世界



2、world可表示「範圍,…界」; 也可表示「全世界的人,人類,公眾,群眾」,這時其前須加定冠詞the; 還可表示「人世生活,世面,眼界,世俗」。作以上解時,常用作單數形式。world還可作「大量,無數」解。

3、in the world作強勢語時用於以下結構中:①最高階結構; ②有only修飾的句子; ③用來修飾nothing。world還可用於其他名詞前作定語。


1、new world 新世界

2、outer world 外部世界

3、physical world 物質世界

4、real world 真實的世界

5、unknown world 未知世界


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