
時間 2023-04-17 23:21:01


我幫你找了半天 不好意思哦 沒找到。

就找到中文的了 嘿嘿。





那個《深情密碼》裡的哪首很好聽的英文歌叫什麼啊?拜託了各位 謝謝


《深情密碼》英文插曲《try to remember》[img]

***[/wma] [size=3][color=red]try to remember是the brothers four的經典歌曲,也是這首歌是2023年一部**劇the fantastice(《異想天開》)中的序歌和終曲。劇本敘述相鄰的兩家的一對青年男女,在雙方家長的慫恿下產生了愛情,但不久,浪漫情調消失了,兩個年輕人彼此感到厭煩,各自去尋找應該珍惜的。「受過創傷才充實富有,九月的熱情使我們成熟。

」 前不久又被《深情密碼》這部偶像劇作為主要插曲。[/color][/size]



歌曲:try to remember 追憶 歌手:tom jones try to remember the kind of september 追憶那醉人的九月 when life was slow and oh so mellow 時光緩緩生活悠遊 try to remember the kind of september 追憶那醉人的九月 when grass was green and grain was yellow 草兒青青稻麥金黃 try to remember the kind of september 追憶那醉人的九月 when you were a tender and a callow fellow 一曾經的年幼溫柔 try to remember and if you remember 追憶往日,若你還記得 then follow -follow,oh-oh 請跟我來,跟我來,哦 try to remember when life was so tender 追憶那段感傷時光 that no one wept except the willow 只有楊柳淚珠盈盈 try to remember the kind of september 追憶那醉人的九月 when love was an ember about to billow 愛情的即將燎原的星火 try to remember and if you remember 追憶往日,若你還記得 then follow-follow,oh-oh 請跟我來,跟我來,哦 deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的回憶溫馨而甜蜜 although you know the snow will follow 儘管你知道大雪即將飄落 deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的回憶溫馨而甜蜜 the fire of september that made us mellow 九月的熱戀沉醉著你我 deep in december our hearts should remember 十二月的回憶深埋在心裡 and follow-follow,oh-oh 請跟我來,跟我來,哦。



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