
時間 2021-05-07 20:00:16


1.what is he going to do tomorrow? 劃線部分提問

2. are you going to visit your uncle this sunday?一般疑問句

肯定回答:yes, i am

否定回答:no,i『m not.

否定句:i』m not going to visit my uncle this sunday .


1.what is he going to do tommorrow?

2.一般疑問句:are you going to visit your uncle this sunday ?

肯定句:yes,i am

否定句:no,i am not.


1 what is he going to do tomorrow?

2 are you going to visit your uncle this sunday?

yes, i am.

no, i'm not.

按要求填空,1 按要求填空

白居易的大林寺桃花 盡 指花凋謝了。始 開始。四月裡別處的春花都凋謝了,大林寺的桃花卻剛剛開放。人們常說春天走了再也沒地方尋找,卻沒料到春天卻悄悄地轉移到這裡來。蝴蝶隨意地飛,一會兒從牆頭上飛來一對黃蝴蝶,一會兒又從牆頭上飛走了一個白蝴蝶。它們是從誰家來的,又飛到誰家去?太陽也不知道這個。只是天空藍...


my new dress is green 對劃線部分提問what colour is your new dress?his tie is blue變為一般疑問句is his tie blue?that is a nice skirt變為否定句that isn t a nice skirt.her ...


3 藺相如對趙王說 我願意帶和氏璧到秦國去。換成間接引語 藺相如對趙王說,他願意帶和氏璧到秦國去。4 馬的後蹄踏著一隻飛燕。換成 被 字句 一隻飛燕被馬的後蹄踏著。5 外公對小英說 我告訴你,這是中國最有名的花。間接引語 外公對小英說,這是中國最有名的花。6 那時侯,清 腐敗無能,剛一提出 京張 鐵...