把每句分別寫出 1 英文翻譯2 否定句3 疑問句4 肯定回答5 否定回答。拜託22點以前給我

時間 2021-06-29 11:08:07


1.there are many desks and stools in the classroom.

there are no desks and stools in the classroom.

are there many desks and stools in the classroom?

2.there are many books in the box.否定句和一般疑問句同上

3.there is a football under the chair。否定句和一般疑問句同上

4.there are two kites and a bird on the tree.(就近原則,所以用負數)否定句和一般疑問句同上

5.there are three trees near the house。否定句和一般疑問句同上



1.there are many desks and benches.

there aren't many desks and benches.

are there many desks and benches?

yes, there are.

no, there aren't.

2. there is a football under the chair.

there isn't a football under the chair.

is there a football under the chair?

yes, there is.

no, there isn't.

3. there are two kites and a bird in the tree.

there aren't two kites and a bird in the tree.

are there two kites and a bird in the tree.

yes, there are.

no, there aren't.

4. there are three trees near the house.

there aren't three trees near the house.

are there three trees near the house.

yes, there are.

no, there aren't.


1.there are many desks and chairs in the classroom./there are not many desks and chairs in the classroom.

/are there many desks and chairs in the classroom?/yes, there are./no, there're not.

2.there are many books in the boxes./there're not many books in the boxes.

/are there many books in the boxes?/yes, there are./no, there're not.

3.there is a soccer under the chair./there isn't a soccer under the chair.

/is there a soccer under the chair?/yes,there is./no, there isn't.

4.there are two kites and a bird on the tree./there are not.......

/are there two.......?/yes, there are./no, there're not.

5.there are three trees near the house./there are not.....

/are there.....?/yes..../no.....


翻譯下面3個句子並做出相應的句型轉換(否定句和一般疑問句及肯定回答和否定回答) 1 明天我要去看望


1.i'm going to visit my grandparents tomorrow night

2.mike going to play football this weekend

3. sarah am ready to read comic books tonight求採納


i will visit my grandparents tomorrow.



mike does his homework at home everyday .

mike doesn't do his homework at home everyday

does mike do his homework at home everyday ?

what does mike do at home everyday ?


make does his homework everynight.

make doesn't do his homework everynight.

does make do his homework everynight?



this is a match. this is not a match. is this a match?yes it is.no it is a ring.


水很淺。這是可怕的。最後我爸爸放棄了。我們可以生活在任何我們喜歡的地方。在你的學校我過得很開心。是怎樣的一切呢?很高興收到你的來信!我們會在下午2點在這裡等你。您從來沒有因為年紀太大而不能學習。太陽從它的在熱帶海的反射帶來在他的面頰仁慈 癌的browm汙點。把英文翻譯成中文的軟體 詳細操作步驟如下 ...


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