Its hot in beijing in summer就括號裡的部分提問

時間 2021-07-19 16:34:57


what's the weather like in beijing in summer?

或者 what is the weather like in the summer of beijing?

what color is your hair?

(how many) students are there in our class?

(there are) 20.





1 what's the weather like in beijing in summer?

2. how is the weather in beijing in summer?



what is the weather like in beijing in summer?

how is the weather in beijing in summer?

a what color is your hair?

b how many students are there in your class?

it's hot and sunny in summer.(對畫線部分進行提問)______is the______like in summer? 急!


(what) is the (weather )like in the summer?


如對本題有疑問可追問,good luck!


你好!很高興為你解答。 what weather 希望能幫到你


1.what is the weather like in summer in new york. 2.

how is the weather in summer in new york.


__how___is the___weather___like in summer?

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