
時間 2021-07-23 09:58:55




how do you do ?

his birithday is not april 4th.

is his birthday april 4th?

yes,it is.

no,it is not.

the keys are not under the sofa.

are the keys under the sofa?

yes,they are.

no,they are not.


forty-four (44) women teachersnine four(94) man doctorsthree (3) dictionaiestwo(2)librarys


twenty two(22) children如果幫到你,請記得采納,o(∩_∩)o謝謝!雖然我是後來者,但是後來者居上嗎!正可謂是青出於藍而勝於藍,一代更比一代強嗎!



1 選they 意思是他們是她的父母嗎?

2 選 is 這裡用到主謂一致,意思是懷特先生和他的朋友們正在度假

3選libraries 這裡要用到名字的複數形式,因為後面是are ,所以排除c ,因為a和d的複數形式錯了 故也排除 意思是這些圖書館很老了

4 選thank you 日常用語

5 選 with help sb with sth. 固定搭配,幫助某人做某事

6 what 問什麼職業用what 意思是你媽媽是做什麼的?

按要求作答:how do you do.

1 否定句

his birthday is not april 4th.他的生日不是4月4號


is his birthday april 4th? 他的生日是4月4號嗎?"

肯定回答 yes,it is. 是的

否定回答 no, it isn't 不是

2 否定句

the keys aren‘t under the sofa。鑰匙不在沙發下面


are the keys under the sofa?鑰匙在沙發下面嗎?

肯定回答.yes,they are 是的,在沙發下面

否定回答 no,they aren’t 不是,鑰匙不在沙發下面


b c b b c d

how do you do?

1, his birthday is not april 4th.

is his birthday april 4th?

yes, it is.

no, it isn't.

2, the keys are not under the sofa.

are the keys under the sofa?

yes, they are.

no, they aren't.

44位女老師 forty-four women teachers94位男醫生 ninety men doctors3本字典 three dictionaries2個圖書館 two libraries

18個婦女 eighteen women

22個孩子 twenty-two children



how do you do。

his birthday isn‘t april 4th

is his birthday april 4th?

yes,it is。

no,it isn’t。

the keys aren‘t under the sofa。

are the keys under the sofa?

yes,they are

no,they aren’t


1 選they 意思是他們是她的父母嗎?

2 選 is 這裡用到主謂一致,意思是懷特先生和他的朋友們正在度假

3選libraries 這裡要用到名字的複數形式,因為後面是are ,所以排除c ,因為a和d的複數形式錯了 故也排除 意思是這些圖書館很老了

4 選thank you 日常用語

5 選 with help sb with sth. 固定搭配,幫助某人做某事

6 what 問什麼職業用what 意思是你媽媽是做什麼的?

按要求作答:how do you do.

1 否定句

his birthday is not april 4th.他的生日不是4月4號


is his birthday april 4th? 他的生日是4月4號嗎?"

肯定回答 yes,it is. 是的

否定回答 no, it isn't 不是

2 否定句

the keys aren‘t under the sofa。鑰匙不在沙發下面


are the keys under the sofa?鑰匙在沙發下面嗎?

肯定回答.yes,they are 是的,在沙發下面

否定回答 no,they aren’t 不是,鑰匙不在沙發下面


1、b,2、d,3、b,4、a,5、c,6、dhow do you do!

is april 4th his birthday? yes,it is/no,it isn't!

are the keys under the sofa? yes,they are/no,they aren't


1b 2c 3b 4b 5c 6d

.his birithday is not april 4th、is his birithday april 4th?yes,it is/no,it isn't.

the keys are not under the sofa/are the keys under the sofa? yes,they are/no,they aren't.

44women teachers 94 men doctors 3dictionaries 2libraries 18women 22children

houw do you do?錯了吧?!如果是what do you do的話,回答是i'm a student.





6、dhow do you do!

1、否定句 his birithday is not april 4th.

一般疑問句:is his birithday april 4th?

yes,it is.

no,it isn't.

2.否定句:the keys are not under the sofa

一般疑問句:are the keys under the sofa?

yes,they are.

no,they are not.


b(根據they are 疑問句就相反)

c(with his friends只是對前面的修飾可是去掉後做)b(因為是are,不止一個,libraries是正確的各式)b(“踢球踢得好”在表揚你,要說謝謝。)

c(help mother with the housework,固定的,要記住 )

d(job 是單數,“你的職業是什麼”所以用is)how do you do。

his birthday isn‘t april 4this his birthday april 4th?

yes,it is。

no,it isn’t。

the keys aren‘t under the sofa。

are the keys under the sofa?

yes,they are

no,they aren’t

44位女老師forty-four women teachers94位男醫生ninety-four men teachers3本字典three dictionaries2個圖書館two libraries

18個婦女eighteen women

22個孩子twenty-two children大於1個的話,有兩個詞的,這兩個詞都要變行成複數 如:women teaches

還有問題儘管問我。 希望能夠幫到你



how do you do?

1. his birithday is not april 4th.

is his birthday on april 4th?肯定:yes,it is..否定:no,it isn't

2. the keys aren't under the sofa.

are the keys under the sofa? 肯定:yes,they are. 否定:no,they aren't.



how do you do?

his birithday is not april 4this his birithday april 4th? yes it is /no it isn't

the keys are not under the sofaare the keys under the sofa? yes they are/no they aren't



按要求去做 略

改句子1.is his birithday april 4th? 肯 yes,it is.否。no,ti isn't.

2are the keys under the sofa?肯。yes,they are.否。no,they aren't.


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