
時間 2022-02-07 01:45:02


my living room

hello,everyone.my name is xx.let me tell you about my living room.

my living room is very nice.there is a sofa on the floor.there is a table next to the sofa.

sometimes i dhinking coffee in the living room.you can see a vase(花瓶)of flowers on the table.there is a tv set near the wall.

ah,can you see that photo?it's on the wall.

this is my living room.i love my living room.and you?我和你一個年級。


my living room is nice.the floor is white and bright.when you come in the house,you will see some flowers on the table.

i often drink some coffee while sitting on the sofa.meanwhile,i also set some place aside to put a tv.there is some photos of me on the wall.

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