
時間 2022-06-10 19:45:02


1.由於上海是直轄市,政治上不屬於江蘇省,所以要說shanghai is larger than any city in jiangsu province.

而南京市江蘇的省會,自然政治上屬於南京,所以要說nanjing is larger than any other city in jiangsu province.

二者的區別在於other上,加上other代表任何其他的, 說明其本身也在這個範圍內,不加other說明任何一個,暗示其本身並不再範圍之內。


george is taller than any other student in class one.

george is taller than any student in class two.

2.應該是so good a boy.就像how good a boy!這樣的感嘆句一樣


1.shanghai is bigger than any city in jiangsu.

nanjing is bigger than other cities in jiangsu.

= nanjing is bigger than any other city in jiangsu.

w斯科爾斯t 說得很好.但還要注意any other + 單數 ,other + 複數。

2. 通常用such a good boy .

比如: he is such a good boy.


shanghai is bigger than any other city in jiangsu.

nanjing is bigger than the other cities in jiangsu.

如果是 any other 後+ 單數

the other 後+ 複數。

2 可以說 such a good boy 也可以說 so good a boy


1.shanghai is bigger than any city in jiang su.

nan jing is bigger that any other cities in jiang su.

2. such a good boy


so good a boy

英語初二d,英語初二 d

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