五年級演講10篇英語小故事,差不多4 5分鐘,帶翻譯

時間 2023-10-06 17:15:12

五年級英語小故事 帶翻譯的 兩分鐘左右


a lion once fell in love with a beautiful girl, so he went to her parents and asked them to marry her to him.

the old parents did not know what to say.

they did not like the idea of giving their daughter to the lion, but they did not want to enrage the king of beasts.

at last the father said, "we are glad to marry our daughter to you, but we fear that you might possibly hurt her. so if you remove your claws and teeth, we will give her to you."

the lion loved the girl very much, so he trimmed his claws and took out his big teeth. when he came to the parents again, they simply laughed in his face, and beat him out of their house.








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