
時間 2021-06-08 10:10:50



泰戈爾世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是生與死的距離 is not the way from birth to the end

而是我站在你面前 it is when i sit near you

你不知道我愛你 that you don't understand i love you.

世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是我站在你面前 is not that you're not sure i love you.


而是愛到痴迷 it is when my love is bewildering the soul

卻不能說出我愛你 but i can't speak it out

世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是我不能說我愛你 is not that i can't say i love you.

而是想你痛徹心脾 it is after looking into my heart

卻只能深埋心底 i can't change my love.

世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是我不能說我想你 is not that i'm loving you.

而是彼此相愛 it is in our love

卻不能夠在一起 we are keeping between the distance.

世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是彼此相愛 is not the distance across us.


而是明知道真愛無敵 it is when we're breaking through the way

卻裝作毫不在意 we deny the existence of love.

世界上最遠的距離 so the most distant way in the world

不是樹與樹的距離 is not in two distant trees.

而是同根生長的樹枝 it is the same rooted branches

卻無法在風中相依 can't enjoy the co-existence.

世界上最遠的距離 so the most distant way in the world

不是樹枝無法相依 is not in the being separated branches.

而是相互瞭望的星星 it is in the blinking stars

卻沒有交匯的軌跡 they can't burn the light.

世界上最遠的距離 so the most distant way in the world

不是星星之間的軌跡 is not the burning stars.

而是縱然軌跡交匯 it is after the light

卻在瞬間無處尋覓 they can't be seen from afar.

世界上最遠的距離 so the most distant way in the world

不是瞬間便無處尋覓 is not the light that is fading away.

而是尚未相遇 it is the coincidence of us

便註定無法相聚 is not supposed for the love.

世界上最遠的距離 so the most distant way in the world

是魚與飛鳥的距離 is the love between the fish and bird.

一個在天 one is flying at the sky,

一個卻深潛海底 the other is looking upon into the sea.


泰戈爾世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是生與死的距離 is not the way from birth to the end

而是我站在你面前 it is when i sit near you

你不知道我愛你 that you don't understand i love you.

世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是我站在你面前 is not that you're not sure i love you.


而是愛到痴迷 it is when my love is bewildering the soul

卻不能說出我愛你 but i can't speak it out

世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是我不能說我愛你 is not that i can't say i love you.

而是想你痛徹心脾 it is after looking into my heart

卻只能深埋心底 i can't change my love.

世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是我不能說我想你 is not that i'm loving you.

而是彼此相愛 it is in our love

卻不能夠在一起 we are keeping between the distance.

世界上最遠的距離 the most distant way in the world

不是彼此相愛 is not the distance across us.


而是明知道真愛無敵 it is when we're breaking through the way

卻裝作毫不在意 we deny the existence of love.

世界上最遠的距離 so the most distant way in the world

不是樹與樹的距離 is not in two distant trees.

而是同根生長的樹枝 it is the same rooted branches

卻無法在風中相依 can't enjoy t



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