
時間 2022-07-12 00:50:02


create or replace trigger scoretrigger

after insert or update on t_pms_score

for each row


if(updating and new.m_score<=100 and new.m_score>=99)

then update t_pms_score set m_integral=4;

elseif(updating and new.m_score<=98 and new.m_score>=96)

then update t_pms_score set m_integral=3;

elseif(updating and new.m_score<=95 and new.m_score>=91)

then update t_pms_score set m_integral=2;

elseif(updating and new.m_score<=90 and new.m_score>=85)

then update t_pms_score set m_integral=1;

if(inserting and new.m_score<=100 and new.m_score>=99)

then insert into t_pms_score( m_integral) values(4);

elseif(inserting and new.m_score<=98 and new.m_score>=96)

then insert into t_pms_score( m_integral) values(3);

elseif(inserting and new.m_score<=95 and new.m_score>=91)

then insert into t_pms_score( m_integral) values(2);

elseif(inserting and new.m_score<=90 and new.m_score>=85)

then insert into t_pms_score( m_integral) values(4);

end if;



create or replace 觸發器名 alter insert or update

on t_pms_score


update t_pms_score set m_integral=

case when m_score between 85 and 90 then 1

when m_score between 91 and 95 then 2

when m_score between 96 and 98 then 3

when m_score between 99 and 100 then 4


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