中譯英急急急 大家幫幫忙啊 快

時間 2021-06-09 16:35:26


1.what do they usually do at the weekend?

they usually go to the cinima.

2.what does he do at weekend?

he watches tv sometimes.

3.what do you do at the weekend?

i always play football4.how often do you play tennis?

i play three times a week5.how often does she watch tv.

she watches everyday

6.how often does he do exercises?

he never do exercies.

7.how often do they surfer the internet?

they never surfer the internet.



1. they are usually weekend for what?

they usually go to the movies.

2. he weekend for what?

he sometimes watch television.

3. you weekend for what?

i always play football.

4. how long do you play a tennis?

week fight three times i5. how long do her first tv?

she would watch television.

6. how long his temper?

he never exercises.

7. how long they online?

they almost non-internet.


what do they usually do on weekends?

they usually watch movie.

what does he do on weekends?

he watch tv sometimes.

what do you do on weekends?

i always paly football.

how often do you play tennis?

three times a week

how often does she watch tv?

she watches tv everyday.

how long does he take exercise once?

he never take exercise.

how long do they surf the internet once?

they never surf the internet.

急求!!!!!!!!!翻譯短文中譯英 (馬上要)大家幫幫忙,謝謝大家了

請大家幫幫忙吧!急急急,大家幫幫忙啊 急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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