
時間 2022-10-05 22:35:12


1. i didn't want to buy a present for you.

2. there was a big garden with lots of trees.

3. he waited for the bus five minutes ago.

4. i didn't hear a big noise yesterday afternoon.

5. yes, i did.


i didn' t want to buy a present for you.

there was a big garden with lots of tress.。(

he waited for the bus five minutes ago.

i didn't hear a big noise yesterday afternoon

yes, i did


1,i did't want to buy a present for you。

(2)there was a big garden with lots of tress.

(3)he waited for the bus five minutes ago.

(4)i didn't heard a big noise yesterday afternoon.

5.yes, i did.


1)i don't want to buy a present for you。(改為一般過去時)

i didn't want to buy a present for you.

(2)there is a big garden with lots of tress.。(改為一般過去時)

there was a big garden with lots of tress.

(3)he waits for the bus every day.(用five minutes ago替換every day)

he waited for the bus five minutes ago.

(4)i heard a big noise yesterday afternoon.(將句子改成否定句)

i didn't hear a big noise yesterday afternoon.

(5)did you go to the bookshop last sunday?(作肯定回答)

yes, i did.


1 可以用聯想法,把這些詞串成一句話,或是有一定情節的小故事,自己編寫。在語境中記憶會比較快且同時知道用法。2 不用聯想法的話,可以找含有這些單詞的例句背誦,背到可以不用腦子想就脫口而出,不僅單詞背下來了,而且可以靈活掌握用法,我比較喜歡這個方法。可以參照李陽瘋狂英語的句子背誦法。3 用詞根記憶法,...


中考成功三要訣 實力 技巧 心態 要在考試中取得理想的成績,一靠自己的實力,二靠答題的熟練技巧,三靠考試時的良好心態。先說實力,主要指牢固地掌握基礎知識 基本技能 基本方法和分析問題 解決問題的能力。中考衝刺最後階段,要回到基礎上來,把書讀薄,抓住重點和特點,進一步充實實力。再說技巧,主要是指審題和...


孩子,我覺得啊 你啊 你要好好學習 別讓你父母失望 你就想 你別讓你父母失望 好好學習才有前途 想她 是件正常的事!因為你正處於青春期 懵懂的你 是有些搖晃 你應該學會欣賞他人 欣賞就好了 你愛不起的 愛情這東西 我沒權利說你可以不可以碰它 只不過 你得好好的學習 將來為中國貢獻。為社會 為你自己。...