though india has remained free so far from influenza a/h1n1, another animal disease, equine influenza, or horse flu, has killed 43 horses in the west indian states of rajasthan and gujarat, local hindi daily danik bhaskar reported saturday.
a laboratory based in hissar of haryana, in north india, has confirmed that the deaths were caused by the equine influenza commonly called "horse flu."
the first death occurred in january in gandhinagar in gujarat, where 15 horses died of the disease last month, said the report.
to prevent the disease from spreading, the gujarat government has instituted ban on buying and selling horses in the state.
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無論你今天要面對什麼,既然走到了這一步,就堅持下去,給自己一些肯定,你比自己想象中要堅強。有關仇恨的句子 人之所以痛苦,在於追求錯誤的東西。2 與其說是別人讓你痛苦,不如說自己的修養不夠。3 如果你不給自己煩惱,別人也永遠不可能給你煩惱。因為你自己的內心,你放不下。4 好好的管教你自己,不要管別人。...