
時間 2022-10-17 06:20:03







function getpychar(char)

tmp = 65536 + asc(char)

if (tmp >= 45217 and tmp <= 45252) then

getpychar = "a"

elseif (tmp >= 45253 and tmp <= 45760) then

getpychar = "b"

elseif (tmp >= 45761 and tmp <= 46317) then

getpychar = "c"

elseif (tmp >= 46318 and tmp <= 46825) then

getpychar = "d"

elseif (tmp >= 46826 and tmp <= 47009) then

getpychar = "e"

elseif (tmp >= 47010 and tmp <= 47296) then

getpychar = "f"

elseif (tmp >= 47297 and tmp <= 47613) then

getpychar = "g"

elseif (tmp >= 47614 and tmp <= 48118) then

getpychar = "h"

elseif (tmp >= 48119 and tmp <= 49061) then

getpychar = "j"

elseif (tmp >= 49062 and tmp <= 49323) then

getpychar = "k"

elseif (tmp >= 49324 and tmp <= 49895) then

getpychar = "l"

elseif (tmp >= 49896 and tmp <= 50370) then

getpychar = "m"

elseif (tmp >= 50371 and tmp <= 50613) then

getpychar = "n"

elseif (tmp >= 50614 and tmp <= 50621) then

getpychar = "o"

elseif (tmp >= 50622 and tmp <= 50905) then

getpychar = "p"

elseif (tmp >= 50906 and tmp <= 51386) then

getpychar = "q"

elseif (tmp >= 51387 and tmp <= 51445) then

getpychar = "r"

elseif (tmp >= 51446 and tmp <= 52217) then

getpychar = "s"

elseif (tmp >= 52218 and tmp <= 52697) then

getpychar = "t"

elseif (tmp >= 52698 and tmp <= 52979) then

getpychar = "w"

elseif (tmp >= 52980 and tmp <= 53640) then

getpychar = "x"

elseif (tmp >= 53689 and tmp <= 54480) then

getpychar = "y"

elseif (tmp >= 54481 and tmp <= 62289) then

getpychar = "z"

else '如果不是中文,則不處理

getpychar = char

end if

end function

function getpy(str)

for i = 1 to len(str)

getpy = getpy & getpychar(mid(str, i, 1))

next i

end function


開啟excel->工具->巨集->viaual basic編輯器



function getpychar(char)

tmp = 65536 + asc(char)

if (tmp >= 45217 and tmp <= 45252) then

getpychar = "a"

elseif (tmp >= 45253 and tmp <= 45760) then

getpychar = "b"

elseif (tmp >= 45761 and tmp <= 46317) then

getpychar = "c"

elseif (tmp >= 46318 and tmp <= 46825) then

getpychar = "d"

elseif (tmp >= 46826 and tmp <= 47009) then

getpychar = "e"

elseif (tmp >= 47010 and tmp <= 47296) then

getpychar = "f"

elseif (tmp >= 47297 and tmp <= 47613) then

getpychar = "g"

elseif (tmp >= 47614 and tmp <= 48118) then

getpychar = "h"

elseif (tmp >= 48119 and tmp <= 49061) then

getpychar = "j"

elseif (tmp >= 49062 and tmp <= 49323) then

getpychar = "k"

elseif (tmp >= 49324 and tmp <= 49895) then

getpychar = "l"

elseif (tmp >= 49896 and tmp <= 50370) then

getpychar = "m"

elseif (tmp >= 50371 and tmp <= 50613) then

getpychar = "n"

elseif (tmp >= 50614 and tmp <= 50621) then

getpychar = "o"

elseif (tmp >= 50622 and tmp <= 50905) then

getpychar = "p"

elseif (tmp >= 50906 and tmp <= 51386) then

getpychar = "q"

elseif (tmp >= 51387 and tmp <= 51445) then

getpychar = "r"

elseif (tmp >= 51446 and tmp <= 52217) then

getpychar = "s"

elseif (tmp >= 52218 and tmp <= 52697) then

getpychar = "t"

elseif (tmp >= 52698 and tmp <= 52979) then

getpychar = "w"

elseif (tmp >= 52980 and tmp <= 53640) then

getpychar = "x"

elseif (tmp >= 53689 and tmp <= 54480) then

getpychar = "y"

elseif (tmp >= 54481 and tmp <= 62289) then

getpychar = "z"

else '如果不是中文,則不處理

getpychar = char

end if

end function

function getpy(str)

for i = 1 to len(str)

getpy = getpy & getpychar(mid(str, i, 1))

next i

end function



a1中入中文 a2=getpy(a1)就ok了







根據gb2312-1980 資訊交換用漢字編碼字符集 漢字分為一級漢字(3755個)和二級漢字(3008)個,一級漢字使用拼音排序,二級漢字使用筆畫排序。因此對於一級漢字比較好辦,找到每個拼音開始和結束的漢字內碼即可。



function getpychar(char)

tmp = 65536 + asc(char)

if (tmp >= 45217 and tmp <= 45252) then

getpychar = "a"

elseif (tmp >= 45253 and tmp <= 45760) then

getpychar = "b"

elseif (tmp >= 45761 and tmp <= 46317) then

getpychar = "c"

elseif (tmp >= 46318 and tmp <= 46825) then

getpychar = "d"

elseif (tmp >= 46826 and tmp <= 47009) then

getpychar = "e"

elseif (tmp >= 47010 and tmp <= 47296) then

getpychar = "f"

elseif (tmp >= 47297 and tmp <= 47613) then

getpychar = "g"

elseif (tmp >= 47614 and tmp <= 48118) then

getpychar = "h"

elseif (tmp >= 48119 and tmp <= 49061) then

getpychar = "j"

elseif (tmp >= 49062 and tmp <= 49323) then

getpychar = "k"

elseif (tmp >= 49324 and tmp <= 49895) then

getpychar = "l"

elseif (tmp >= 49896 and tmp <= 50370) then

getpychar = "m"

elseif (tmp >= 50371 and tmp <= 50613) then

getpychar = "n"

elseif (tmp >= 50614 and tmp <= 50621) then

getpychar = "o"

elseif (tmp >= 50622 and tmp <= 50905) then

getpychar = "p"

elseif (tmp >= 50906 and tmp <= 51386) then

getpychar = "q"

elseif (tmp >= 51387 and tmp <= 51445) then

getpychar = "r"

elseif (tmp >= 51446 and tmp <= 52217) then

getpychar = "s"

elseif (tmp >= 52218 and tmp <= 52697) then

getpychar = "t"

elseif (tmp >= 52698 and tmp <= 52979) then

getpychar = "w"

elseif (tmp >= 52980 and tmp <= 53640) then

getpychar = "x"

elseif (tmp >= 53689 and tmp <= 54480) then

getpychar = "y"

elseif (tmp >= 54481 and tmp <= 62289) then

getpychar = "z"

else '如果不是中文,則不處理

getpychar = char

end if

end function

function getpy(str)

for i = 1 to len(str)

getpy = getpy & getpychar(mid(str, i, 1))

next i

end function



1 values為陣列或單元格的引用,包含用來計算返回的內部收益率的數字。values包含至少一個正值和一個負值,以計算返回的內部收益率。函式irr根據數值的順序來解釋現金流的順序。故應確定按需要的順序輸入了支付和收入的數值。excel使用迭代法計算函式irr。從guess開始,函式irr進行迴圈計...


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