用there be句型來描述我家的客廳

時間 2021-05-07 20:01:57


there are six people in my family. they are my grandparents ,my parents , my sister and i . there is a pet dog in my family .

there is a beautiful sofa in the living room. there is a desk and a chair in my bedroom. there is a ball under my bed .

and there are some pictures on the wall.

請用there be為主要句型描述你房間的物品(不少於十句話)


1、this is the my room.there are so many pictures on the floor.there is a tv on the will.

there are so many flowers in the garden.there is a plant on the a table.there is a refrigerator in the kitchen.

there is a dog in the garden. there is a cat in the garden.

用there be句型描述自己的房間寫一個小作文怎樣寫


很高興能夠在這裡回答你的問題,這道題的正確答案應該為:there is a desk on the right in my room.there are some books on the desk.

there is a bed on the left.there are some flowers on the windown.我房間右...



用there be句型描述自己所住的家的結構情況,並說明自己最喜愛哪個房間


there be句型,there be句型用英語怎麼說

牛魔娃 客觀事物 像是there are trees 那裡是些大樹 就是客觀存在的 there be 是某地有某物的意思 關於there be 句型 there be句型表示某處存在某物或某人。1 there is 單數可數名詞 不可數名詞 地點狀語.2 there are 複數名詞 地點狀語.注意...

there be句型,there be句型有哪些?

there be句型 意思 某地有 需要注意be動詞的選擇,遵循就近原則。there be句型有哪些?there be句型有哪些?主要有以下幾種句型 一種是一般現在時,例如,there is are的句型 一種是一般過去時態 there was were的句型 另外還有一般將來時態的句型 there...

用There be句型造句子,用 There be 句型造5個句子

eg over there is our library.那邊是我們的圖書館。this is success and there is no other.這便是成功,除此之外,別無他物 and then there is the riding position.然後就是騎行位置的問題 but at ...