「ahead of」怎麼用?和「in front of」有什麼區別

時間 2021-08-30 13:52:19


ahead是指「(在空間或時間上)向前,朝前;在前」。那麼,由ahead的基本詞義,我們就不難理解ahead of的意義了。ahead of的一個意思是「(在空間或時間上比某人或某事物)更前,更早。

」如下面這則新聞的標題israeli, palestinians call for negotiations ahead of un meeting. 另一個意思則是「處於(某人或某事物)的領先地位;比……更先進;領先」,比如his ideas were well ahead of his time.

in front of (在...前面) 常用於描述具體或抽象的東西之間的位置關係,空間感比較強

the vase is in front of the table.

he is standing in front of the entrance.

the problem in front of us is water shortage.擺在我們面前的困難是缺水.

ahead 翻譯和 in front of 很相似,不過意思上有超越了、超前的感覺,比較

he is ahead of us.表示他走在我們前面,或他超越了我們

japan is one hour ahead of us.日本比我們這兒快一個小時




in front of (在...前面) 常用於描述具體或抽象的東西之間的位置關係,空間感比較強

the vase is in front of the table.

he is standing in front of the entrance.

the problem in front of us is water shortage.擺在我們面前的困難是缺水.

ahead 翻譯和 in front of 很相似,不過意思上有超越了、超前的感覺,比較

he is ahead of us.表示他走在我們前面,或他超越了我們

japan is one hour ahead of us.日本比我們這兒快一個小時

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