用when把兩個句子合併成一句,將兩個句子合併為一句話 英語 線上等。

時間 2022-07-17 19:00:04


1. could you tell me how i can get to the station.

2. tom asked when he would come back.

3. jim asked whether he was doing his homework.

4. he asked whether they liked to make friends with them.

5. could you tell me what you will say at the meeting.

6. i asked where they stopped on the way.


比如第二句中tom 作主語,asked作謂語,when he would come back佔據賓語的位置,為賓語從句。於是就將句子連為統一的整體,在改變的過程中,關鍵是要將賓語從句中的問句改成陳述句。這是語法的規定,記住就行。





1, could you tell me how i get to the station?

2, tom asked when he would come back?

3, jim asked whether he was doing his homework?

4, he asked whether they liked to make friends with us?

5, could you tell me what you will say at the meeting?

6, i asked where they stopped on the way?



1. could you tell me how i can get to the station?

2. tom asked when he would come back.

3. jim asked if he was doing his homework.

4. he asked if they liked to make friends with them.

5. could you tell me what you will say at the meeting?

6. i asked where they stopped on the way.


1.could you tell me how i could get to the station?

2.tom asked when he would come back.

3.jim asked if he was doing his homework.

4.he asked if they liked to make friends with us.

5.could you tell me what i would say at the meeting?

6.i asked where they stopped on the way.


英語高手進,用if,when 或unless將句子合併成一句


1.if it is fine tomorrow, i will go fishing with my dad.

2.when you are trying to memorize something, you should focus your attention on the most important things about it.


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