
時間 2021-05-07 20:00:43


《mika - kick ass (we are young)》

歌詞:we are young

we are strong

we're not looking for where we belong

we're not cool

we are free

and we're running with

on our knees

we could rule the world

on a silver platter

from the wrong to the right light

to an open stream

with a crash and burn

we could make it better

turn it

just you and me

we are the

no other way

to be

we are young

we are strong

we're not looking for where we belong

we're not cool

we are free

and we're running with

on our knees

i could change the world

i could make it better

kick it up and down

take a chance on me

when you fake a

and you think you're better

gonna put it down

rip (?) it at your feet

no bridge to burn

nowhere to turn

for me

we are young

we are strong

we're not looking for where we belong

we're not cool

we are free

and we're running with

on our knees

what do they know about us?

are they thinking of somebody else?

are they wondering what we might be?

are they

or of me?

we are young

we are strong

we're not looking for where we belong

we're not cool

we are free

and we're running with blood on our knees


有一首歌名就叫we are young 你可以去聽聽看看是不是


《kick ass》 - mika

花兒與少年裡的一首歌 開頭是 we are young,we are strong,we are


mika - kick ass (we are young) 望採納~~~

花兒與少年2最後一期楊洋階段時那首歌叫什麼?有一句是we are strong we are cool


kick ass (we are young)




歌名:kick ass (we are young)

歌手:mika & redone

花兒與少年第二季第一集楊樣和陳意涵在找肖恩羊的有首英文歌叫什麼,歌詞好像有we are young



歌名:kick ass (we are young)

歌手:mika & redone




紙做的窗 刀郎春季裡那麼到了這 水仙花兒開水仙花兒開 繡呀閣裡的女兒呀 踩呀踩青來呀小呀哥哥 小呀哥哥 小呀哥哥呀攙我一把來 夏季裡麼到了這 女兒心上焦女兒心上焦 石呀榴花的子兒呀 賽呀賽過了瑪瑙呀小呀哥哥 小呀哥哥 小呀哥哥呀親手摘一顆 秋季裡那麼到了這 丹桂花兒開丹桂花兒開 女兒家的心呀上 起呀...


最後一期,還有走丟後回來也提前播了那一段 花兒與少年第2季鄭爽楊洋哪一集 花兒與少年第二季 鄭爽和楊洋是固定成員,每期都有,共十一期。第二季節目七位成員是毛阿敏 許晴 寧靜 陳意涵 鄭爽 井柏然 楊洋。花兒與少年第二季他們就是常駐嘉賓呀,都有,互動最多的,我覺是第一期小井沒有來的時候和楊洋迷路的那一...


已經公佈了。大姐毛阿敏,二姐許晴,三姐寧靜,四姐陳意涵,五姐鄭爽。兩位少年 井柏然,楊洋。嘉賓名單 毛阿敏 寧靜 許晴 陳意涵 鄭爽 井柏然 楊洋 可能不準,等播的那一天不就知道了 目前只知道有鄭爽,井柏然 花兒與少年第二季名單都有誰?已經公佈了。大姐毛阿敏,二姐許晴,三姐寧靜,四姐陳意涵,五姐鄭爽...