
時間 2021-05-07 20:01:17


daniel: good morning ladies and gentlemen. welcome to eaties』 grouphead office!

i』m daniel (corporate communication department manager).(greeting)

joyce: this is joyce (human resources manager).

arthur: oh, regular weekly meeting again! i』m arthur (corporateconsultant).

nice to meet you all.

emily: good day. this is emily (coffee specialist).

i seldom attendmeetings…i』m more technical in a sense. but they just need me present today…(drink coffee)

william: i am william, i』m managing the eaties』 café chain. usuallyi don』t need to be here.

(worried) but this time i think i』m in trouble…oh, itseems that the meeting is about to start, wish me good luck!


全英文的!甲 親愛的觀眾朋友們,大家晚上好!鞠躬 乙 good evening everyone dear my friends。甲 你說什麼?乙 我說英語啊!甲 英語?英國老鼠?好傢伙,來一中半個學期,成了洋鬼子了。乙 這不是洋鬼子。這是世界普通話嘛 english.你懂嗎?甲 哦,世界普通話。我...


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