哪首歌的前奏和we are one的前奏好像

時間 2021-06-26 15:04:54


inside-bang gang


almost lover-a fine frenzylove songs feast-sarah brightman希望有幫助。

一首英文歌 開頭是節奏很強的鋼琴 第一句歌詞好像是 we are one


lonelyi''m lonely lonely lonely

i''m lonely lonely in my life

i''m lonely lonely lonely

god help me help me to survive

remember the time you left me all alone

feeling sad in bed

i was hiding in my zone

all i could do

was to wait for your date

but it was running late

suddenly, i wanted something sweet like candy

so i grab some cranberry

put it in a blender half a minute later

i got myself one big sweet cranberry milkshake

with my shake in my hand

watching tv like an old man

my dog came along

starts singing me his new song

woof, woof, woof what!

you want a sip of my shake

no! no!

though i love you so

but i can''t give you everything you ask me to

oh! now i know

i just can''t get what i really want also

i''m lonely lonely lonely

i''m lonely lonely in my life

i''m lonely lonely lonely

god help me help me to survive

求一首英文歌。開頭就唱“we are we are we arewe are”是什麼歌


crazy kid 這首歌裡面有,但不是開頭,我超喜歡聽


是不是pink的《are we all we are》啊?

有一首英文歌,它的前奏是吹口哨,叫什麼啊,坐等回答 5






chill bill


twisted nerve


是chill bill嗎


we are one


move likes jagger


是trouble maker



麻煩你去聽一下,是不是《walk away》——dia frampton,望採納!

looking back on younger days, the time has passed, 回顧年少時候的那段時光,一切都已過去

and nothing stays the same. hey hey hey! 一切都已改變。嘿 嘿 嘿

she was such a pretty girl, with glowing eyes and yellow curls. hey hey hey!她是如此美的小女孩,她有著閃閃發亮的眼睛和一頭金黃色的捲髮。

stars are in a summer night, 在那星空下的夏夜

she's wishing that they'd fall down through the atmosphere, for a souvenir.她希望那些人能夠下地獄,以此來祭奠(她所受的傷害)

she's waiting for her superman, her never land, 她等待她的超人能夠來臨,帶她去永無之鄉

cause she can show the way. hey hey hey! 她知道該如何去那裡。嘿 嘿 嘿

where's her missing piece her mind's been chasing, chasing?那已迷失的,她內心一直所追尋的地方在**

a bullet with your name, a ticking time grenade, 一粒已瞄準的子彈,一顆定時炸彈(足以搞定)

you better run away, run away, run away 你們無處可逃 無處可逃 無處可逃

either way you're screwed, there's nothing you can do,你們所有的掙扎都是徒勞

you better run away, run away, run away. 你們無處可逃 無處可逃 無處可逃

she's tellin' tales through telephone 她透過**告訴你們一切

that make you cry, chill to the bone. hey hey hey! 這使你們害怕到哭泣,那恐懼滲入骨髓

it's lock and key, electrified, 一切都在掌控之中

hide and seek from dirty eyes. hey hey hey! 你們那那骯髒的眼睛裡還想躲藏些什麼

driving in the rain to somewhere far, 冒著大雨想開車離去,遠離這裡

but they've got tattoos stamped upon their arms, of her name in hearts但他們卻不知自己的雙手卻早已滿是罪證,對她的名字刻骨銘心

she doesn't understand that love is what you give, not given up.她無法理解愛是被給予而不是被放棄

hey hey hey! 嘿 嘿 嘿

where's her missing piece her mind's been chasing, chasing? 那已迷失的,她內心一直所追尋的地方在**

a bullet with your name, a ticking time grenade, 一粒已瞄準的子彈,一顆定時炸彈(足以搞定)

you better run away, run away, run away 你們無處可逃 無處可逃 無處可逃

either way you're screwed, there's nothing you can do, 你們所有的掙扎都是徒勞

no matter what you say, what you say, what you say. 說什麼都於事無補 於事無補 於事無補

yeah you better not sleep, because she's waiting, waiting.你最好不要就這麼睡去,她像等待獵人等待獵物般在等待著你

she knows all about you; you're in her aim. 她知道你們的一切 你們是她的目標

a bullet with your name, a ticking time grenade, 一粒已瞄準的子彈,一顆定時炸彈(足以搞定)

you better run away, run away, run away 你們無處可逃 無處可逃 無處可逃

either way you're screwed, there's nothing you can do, 你們所有的掙扎都是徒勞

you better run away, run away, run away 你們無處可逃 無處可逃 無處可逃

a bullet with your name, a ticking time grenade, 一粒已瞄準的子彈,一顆定時炸彈(足以搞定)

you better run away, run away, run away 你們無處可逃 無處可逃 無處可逃

either way you're screwed, there's nothing you can do, 你們所有的掙扎都是徒勞

no matter what you say, what you say, what you say. 說什麼都於事無補 於事無補 於事無補

有一首英文歌開頭幾句是“i am i,you are you,we are we"


ttxx寶貝 luv letter music by dj ok.dj okawari 你是玩了節奏大師吧 金玉良緣主題曲和哪首歌好像 李琦的 尤其是前奏 和何晟銘的佛說很像,尤其那一段 如果愛是兩心相悅的守護 與佛說裡的 你的微笑是我永遠的魔 楚天的月亮 前三小節與煙花易冷的有90 的相似度 失戀...


放開你的心 歌手 王力巨集 心中的日月 詞 王力巨集 崔惟楷曲 王力巨集 baby 我愛你快樂永遠來得及 so come on now and 放開你的心baby 我愛你快樂永遠來得及 so come on now just 放開你的心now dance.為什麼抱著懷疑 愛並不是都擁有自私自利 雖然...


拼湊的世界,不信你可以到網上搜尋一下歌名1 the hell song sum41的the hell song with me sum 41是一首什麼型別的歌曲?10 搖滾朋克風格 我非常喜歡sum41 的歌!over my head still waiting the hell song piec...