private sub form_load()
label1.autosize = true
label1.caption = str(time())
label1.top = val(form1.height) / 2 - val(label1.height) / 2
label1.left = val(form1.width) / 2 - val(label1.width) / 2
command1.caption = "放大"
end sub
private sub command1_click()
label1.fontsize = val(label1.fontsize) * 3
label1.caption = str(time())
label1.top = val(form1.height) / 2 - val(label1.height) / 2
label1.left = val(form1.width) / 2 - val(label1.width) / 2
end sub
label1.caption = now
一道比較簡單的vb程式題目,只需要**即可 100
**:dim num_1, num2, flagprivate sub command1_click(index as integer) select case index case 0 to 9 label1.caption = label1.
caption + cstr(command1(index).caption) case 10 label1.caption = label1.
caption + "." case 11 to 14 num_1 = val(label1.caption) label1.
caption = "" flag = index case 15 num_2 = val(label1.caption) label1.caption = "" if command1(flag).
caption = "+" then label1.caption = num_1 + num_2 elseif command1(flag).caption = "-" then label1.
caption = num_1 - num_2 elseif command1(flag).caption = "*" then label1.caption = num_1 * num_2 else label1.
caption = num_1 / num_2 end if case 16 num_1 = 0 num_2 = 0 label1.caption = "" end selectend sub private sub form_load() me.autoredraw = true for i = 0 to 9 command1(i).
caption = i next iend sub
2.用vb程式設計序實現十進位制與二進位制之間的相互轉化**:private sub command1_click() text3.
text = "" text4.text = "0." n = val(text1.
text) do while n > 0 text3.text = cstr(n mod 2) + text3.text n = n \ 2 loop n = val(text2.
text) do while n > 0 text4.text = text4.text + cstr(fix(2 * n)) n = 2 * n - fix(2 * n) loopend sub private sub command2_click() dim s1, s2 text1.
text = "" text2.text = "" for i = 1 to len(text3.text) s1 = s1 + val(mid(text3.
text, i, 1)) * 2 ^ (len(text3.text) - i) next i text1.text = s1 for i = 3 to len(text4.
text) s2 = s2 + val(mid(text4.text, i, 1)) * 2 ^ (-(i - 2)) next i text2.text = "0" + cstr(s2)end sub private sub command3_click() text1.
text = "" text2.text = "" text3.text = "" text4.
text = ""end sub private sub form_load() me.autoredraw = trueend sub private sub text1_keypress(keyascii as integer) if (keyascii < 48 or keyascii > 57) and keyascii <> 8 then keyascii = 0 beep end ifend sub private sub text2_keypress(keyascii as integer) if (keyascii < 48 or keyascii > 57) and keyascii <> 8 and keyascii <> 46 then keyascii = 0 beep end ifend sub private sub text3_keypress(keyascii as integer) if (keyascii < 48 or keyascii > 49) and keyascii <> 8 then keyascii = 0 beep end ifend sub private sub text4_keypress(keyascii as integer) if (keyascii < 48 or keyascii > 49) and keyascii <> 8 and keyascii <> 46 then keyascii = 0 beep end ifend sub
private sub form click dim i as integer dim s as integer s 1 for i 1 to 9 s s 1 2 next i print s s end sub 是1534個 迴圈9次。因為第十天已經剩下1個 就沒再吃了 樓上那位 han44229...
c,靜態變數在整個程式執行過程中都存在。首先呼叫fun a fun d 中的fun d 這裡的d是外部變數d即值為1,所以在被呼叫函式裡p值就為1 進入函式fun後外部變數d被遮蔽,靜態變數d起作用,d p使d變為6,所以第一個輸出的數是6 然後函式fun返回數字6,這樣a fun d 為9,再次呼...
我寫了一個你看咱樣行不 include include main char b 數學 物理 外語 政治 體育 人數 system color a printf 原始資訊如下 n printf 數學 d n a 0 printf 物理 d n a 1 printf 外語 d n a 2 printf ...