not to change what
some people because of his fame to dream
some people's dream to use money to achieve
money, you are evil
how many girls bastardize the self
sell virgin.
money is so evil
people become ugly
many people because of his real money floor
ever found
the woman is my saliva
money is my dream, a thief
i can give my ideal 'thief
because 50cent also think so, a thief
this is the power of money
let us know the direction of sin
someone with stupid head every day,
but in this money is often the pocket.
they can be used, business competition.
use money to compensate for their failure.
if music makes my life full of color,
in enpty hands after will still lonely.
they head is full of ****,
thought completely filled with money inside.
their life is just like a parabolic,
when they fly away from our sight,
and they buried the site is.
in more and more need money,
i began to shake hands,
hands, once created many works,
money is enough.
even in front of the person you love
this is the fact that life is real,
i'm just a man
i don't think my injustice
because i still got my soul
i don't know
i don't know english!!!!
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good morning,teacher,my name is i am a junior middle school student from china i am a bright boy and i love sports such playing basketball and footbal...
大哥,也給點勞力費吧.那麼長啊 誰能幫我這段文字翻譯成英文?還可以加獎勵的。200 汗,看不懂。我打拼音不行。alskdgfslksagadsfgh ahagasdfgsdfhgdafgsdfg bang bushang mang bu hao yi si 牛啊!哈哈我的英語是最差的!我要好好學一下...