英語 將下列句子合併為帶有賓語從句的主從複合句。謝謝

時間 2021-08-30 09:46:34


1.tony is good at math.linda said.

linda said ( that tony was good at math).

2.i will go to qingdao.mike said.

mike said(that he would go to qingdao. )

3.is it necessary to learn english well?sally asked.

sally asked(whether/if it was necessary to learn english well. )

4.will mr lin come to our class?we don't know.

we don't know ( whether/mr lin will come to our class.)


1.linda said ( tony was good at math ).

2.mike said(he would go to qingdao).

3.sally asked(whether it was necesary to learn english well ).

4.we don't know (whether mr lin will come to our class).




將下列句子合併成含賓語從句的複合句。英語 謝謝


第一個the teacher told us that she is a good girl


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