
時間 2021-08-30 09:51:48


morning exercises. point. skipping.

rose. table. barbie.

children's day. department store. i am sorry.

go straight forward. go to school. go to work.

6:30. eat breakfast.

dinner. eat breakfast. listen.

year. and adjacency. lantern festival.

play. to play. camera.

teddy bear .. fast. i wish you good luck.

ice cream. sports day. open (light).

some day. pop music. a lot.

fundamental. is made. by himself.

out . lamp. and say hello.

stadium. collate. used.

impolitely. a small amount. currently.

a foreign language. must. laser printers.

mailbox. library card. looking for.

open. would like to think about. passed.

out. flag day. into a a straight line.

mooncakes. tuen ng festival. everywhere.




1.湯姆的父親 tom's father

2.她的哥哥 her brother

3.做作業 do one's homework

4.他們的教室 their classroom

5.**號碼 phone number

6.失物招領箱 lost-and-found box

7.3個鉛筆盒__ three pencil-boxes_____________

8.動作片_____action films__________

9.在書桌下面___under the desk____________

10.在門後____behind the door___________

11.在地板上___on the floor____________

12.京劇____peking opera___________

13.電子遊戲____electronic games___________

14.打鼓____play the drums___________

15.搖滾樂隊____rock band___________

16.在家____at home___________

17.運動俱樂部___sports club____________

18.看起來像_____look like__________

19.在二年級三班___in class2 grade 3____________

20.玩電子遊戲__play lectronic games_____________

21.打排球____play volleyball___________

22.學校表演____school performance

23.給你。___here you are.

24.非常感謝____thanks a lot

25.不客氣。__it's my pleasure?

26.排球比賽____volleyball match___________

27.生日聚會___birthday party____________

28.請進。___come in_____

29.什麼顏色?___what color____________

30.演講比賽___speech contest



1.cannot too 在…也不為過,越…越好2.reckon without 忽略(某情況或某人); 沒把(某因素或某人)考慮在內3.

think highly of 對……高度評價


can't be too 例如:you can't be too careful when you cross the street.regardless of 忽視,不管think highly of謝謝採納!


1,can not be too2,not care about3,speak highly of.


can not .......too muchwithout any considerationgive high valuation



1, attention; survey

2, in the .....work. (play the role)

3, substitute of someone4, on........to evaluation5, in......done well

6, set the table

7, to participate ......... the game

8, to achieve their dreams9, impact on the.....


1.survey 2.in...

plays a role in the 3.instead of someone 4.to...

evaluation 5.in... do well

6.set the table 7. attend...

game 8. achieve the life dream 9. for...



go down steps 下滑下降 free fall自由降落 hand out 分發 bring up 撫養長大 天意 下降步驟 自由落體 給予 提出 stewardess。有什麼軟體可以翻譯英語單詞,片語,句子 推薦用有道詞典,我自己在用 閆叡卷古韻 可以下bai載一些翻譯工具像金山 du詞霸...


魔女悠悠月 再下一屆世界盃 again next session of world cup 效力於校隊 in school team potency 他爺爺所有的郵票 his grandfather all postage stamps 向某人借某物 borrows something to som...


1 add up 有道理 他說的情況根本不合情理。his story just doesn t add up.2 add up to 總共是 這些數字的總數恰好是100.the numbers add up to exactly 100.3.add to 加上 再加上優質服務,你就能明白為何這家旅館...