
時間 2021-10-19 17:02:45


saying, "a society prosperity well-clothed, our country's food culture, exquisite, profound traditional culture is an important part.

food is the core of the system of diet. china's staple food with rice and wheat. in addition, millet, corn, potatoes, sweet potato and buckwheat, various beans also holds a place.

besides rice, steamed buns, noodles as various pasta, and rich and colorful porridge, bread and ever-changing snacks make people table rich and colorful.saying, "a society prosperity well-clothed, our country's food culture, exquisite, profound traditional culture is an important part.

food is the core of the system of diet. china's staple food with rice and wheat. in addition, millet, corn, potatoes, sweet potato and buckwheat, various beans also holds a place.

besides rice, steamed buns, noodles as various pasta, and rich and colorful porridge, bread and ever-changing snacks make people table rich and colorful.

關於中國美食的英語作文 80字左右 有中文翻譯








求一篇描寫中國或者陝西美食的英語作文,200詞,裡面的詞彙越簡單越好 30


saying, "a society prosperity well-clothed, our country's food culture, exquisite, profound traditional culture is an important part. food is the core of the system of diet. china's staple food with rice and wheat.

in addition, millet, corn, potatoes, sweet potato and buckwheat, various beans also holds a place. besides rice, steamed buns, noodles as various pasta, and rich and colorful porridge, bread and ever-changing snacks make people table rich and colorful.saying, "a society prosperity well-clothed, our country's food culture, exquisite, profound traditional culture is an important part.

food is the core of the system of diet. china's staple food with rice and wheat. in addition, millet, corn, potatoes, sweet potato and buckwheat, various beans also holds a place.

besides rice, steamed buns, noodles as various pasta, and rich and colorful porridge, bread and ever-changing snacks make people table rich and colorful.




是個英文 專門為在華的外國人提供服務,裡面有 美食 板塊,或許有你要的東西。各種美食用英語怎麼說?三分鐘帶你跟讀,聽讀結合更有效。中國美食英語是什麼呢?做美味的食物的英文翻譯是什麼 美食的英文怎麼寫 食物英文翻譯 美食的英文單詞怎麼寫 問題一 關於美食的英語單詞 實用食品用語 西餐 料理 menu ...


我覺得每個地方都有很多好吃的啊。而且美食是相對與個人口味而言吧,就好像一個人湖南人特喜歡湘菜,湘菜在他們心目中無疑是美食,可別的省份的很多人吃不慣辣的食物,自然覺得湘菜不好吃 山西面食 北京 廣州 成都。中國哪個省份的美食最多?美食吧,沒有最多的說法,這個誰也沒有標準的說法,每個地方都有當地的特色美...

