
時間 2022-07-21 12:25:02


you are my first love. i hope you will be the last. i also hope you can go with me forever.

my honey, i love you really.


oh, you are my first lover,i hope my last lover is you,too.i want you to stay with me until the end of time,ok? dear wife, i love you really.


you are my first love, i hope my last lover, but also you. i think you come to the end with me. please?

wife, i love you. really


the amount of ~ you are my first love, i hope my last lover, but also you. i think you come to the end with me. please?

wife, i love you. really


enn~~~~~~~you are my first love,and i hope you are my love forever.can i be with you to the end?dear,i love you,i love you really.

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