
時間 2022-08-01 21:10:02


i recognize the fisher who is fishing.

he would rather study english than go to park.

that man is polite to anyone who he recognizes.

there are no differents between the peer men and the plebs.

he carried a chair quietly and asked me to sit down.

this photo makes him remember the view which he was in the country.

remind me do my homework, otherwise the teacher will angry for me.

he prefer to love me.

tell me when the rain would stop.


i know the fisherman who is fishing.

1.he would rather learn english than go to park.

2.he prefer to learn english rather than go to park.

3.he prefer learning english to going to park.

英語漢譯英的題,英語翻譯題 英漢互譯

答案 2.等車停穩了在下車。do not get out of the bus until the bus stopped.3.今日事今日畢。don t put off untill tomorrow what should be done today.4.我肯定當你最終墜入愛河的時候你就不這麼想了...

1 2 3 4 5 的英語句子漢譯英

你好,為你解答,正確答案為 1 tell call me back2 very quiet enjoy reading there 3 food may be different4 like trip at all5 big snake near campfire 祝你學習進步,更上一層樓!不明白請...


據研究員所說 美國青少年當中多達每五人中就有一人 聽力下降 他們還說 這問題還在不斷加深。布萊翰 醫院的 喬瑟夫 肖格洛斯基說 青少年確實沒有注意他們所暴露在的環境中的噪音有多大,人們經常不注意她 但即使輕微的聽力下降 也可能影響語言發展 將於1990年代早期和2000年代中期分別對數千青少年的調查...