
時間 2021-05-07 20:00:55



for each i in getstr(s,"ab","i","ef")

msgbox i


function getstr(s,a,b,c)dim arr()

dim i

dim re,ms

set re = new regexp

re.ignorecase = true

re.global = true

re.pattern = "(" & a & "(?:(?!" & a & ").)*?" & b & ".*?" & c & ")"

set ms = re.execute(s)redim arr(ms.count-1)for i = 0 to ms.

count - 1arr(i) = ms(i).submatches(0)next


end function


<%function domatches(s,a,b,c)

dim subjectstring = s;

dim myregexp, mymatches, mymatch

set myregexp = new regexp

'myregexp.pattern = "ab((?!ab).)*?i.*?ef"

myregexp.pattern = a+"((?!"+a+").)*?"+b+".*?"+c

set mymatches = myregexp.execute(subjectstring)

for each mymatch in mymatches



'matched text: mymatch.value

'match start: mymatch.firstindex

'match length: mymatch.length

'backreference n text: mymatch.submatches(n-1)


end function



option explicit

function z(a as string, a1 as string, a2 as string, a3 as string) as string

dim m as integer, y as boolean

dim i as integer, j as integer, k as integer

dim l as integer, l1 as integer, l2 as integer, l3 as integer

l = len(a)

l1 = len(a1)

l2 = len(a2)

l3 = len(a3)

z = "原始字串:" + a + vbcrlf

m = 0

y = false

for i = 1 to l - l1 - l2 - l3 + 1

if mid(a, i, l1) = a1 then

for j = i + l1 to l - l2 - l3 + 1

y = false

if mid(a, j, l2) = a2 then

for k = j + l2 to l - l3 + 1

if mid(a, k, l3) = a3 then

m = m + 1

z = z + str(m) + space(5) + mid(a, i, k - i + l3) + vbcrlf

y = true

end if

if y then k = l - l3 + 1


end if

if y then j = l - l2 - l3 + 1


end if


z = z + "共找到" + str(m) + "個"

end function

private sub form_load()

form1.autoredraw = true

dim x as string, x1 as string, x2 as string, x3 as string

dim n as integer, n1 as integer, n2 as integer, n3 as integer

dox = inputbox("請輸入原字串(至少6個字)", , "abcdiefacbdfabcedeffhklabihlefgh")

n = len(x)

loop until n > 5

dox1 = inputbox("請輸入首字元(不多於" & n - 2 & "個字)", , "ab")

n1 = len(x1)

loop until n1 > 0 and n1 <= n - 2

dox2 = inputbox("請輸入中間字元(不多於" & n - n1 - 1 & "個字)", , "i")

n2 = len(x2)

loop until n2 > 0 and n2 <= n - n1 - 1

dox3 = inputbox("請輸入末尾字元(不多於" & n - n1 - n2 & "個字)", , "ef")

n3 = len(x3)

loop until n3 > 0 and n3 <= n - n1 - n2

print z(x, x1, x2, x3)

end sub







function s(byval a as string, byval b as string, byval c as string, byval d as string) as string

dim i as integer, j as integer, a1() as integer, a2() as integer

redim a1(0)

redim a2(0)

doi = i + 1

redim preserve a1(i)

a1(i) = instr(a1(i - 1) + 1, a, b)

loop until a1(i) = 0

i = 0

doi = i + 1

redim preserve a2(i)

a2(i) = instr(a2(i - 1) + 1, a, d)

loop until a2(i) = 0

i = 0

for i = 1 to ubound(a1) - 1

for j = 1 to ubound(a2) - 1

if a2(j) > a1(i) then

dim p as string

p = mid(a, a1(i), a2(j) - a1(i) + len(d))

if instr(1, p, c) > 0 and instr(1, p, d) > a2(j) - a1(i) then s = s & vbcrlf & p

end if



end function

private sub command1_click()

print s("abcdiefacbdfabcedeffhklabihlefgh", "ab", "i", "ef")

end sub




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