
時間 2022-04-01 19:40:03




you thought is the key to decide whether you will try it or not.

you can find any excuses to keep yourself out, whereas there also must be excuses ahead for you to get in.


if he doesn't want to do something, there will be ten thousand reasons. while if he want to do something, that ten thousand reasons won't be reasons.


if a person does not want to do something, there will be a million reasons. if a person wants to do something a million reasons will not be a reason.


if a person does not want to do a thing, there will be ten thousand reasons. if a person want to do a thing, the ten thousand reason will not become a reason.


if a person don't want to do a thing, there will be ten thousand reasons. and if a person want to do one thing at a time, and will not become a reason for ten thousand reasons.


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be unable to see you being unable to see the whole world right away 我姐姐是美國留學回來的。把英文翻譯成漢語 此外,你應該學習平衡學習和社交生活,而這種平衡在你高中時很有可能是你的父母幫你做的。現在你已經大學了,你可以不再依賴於你父...