for example與such as的區別

時間 2021-10-27 21:10:19


兩者意思差不多。for example一般放句首,逗號後你開始講那個例子。such as一般放句中。

for example, my brother likes it.

many people around me like it such as my brother.


1 可以放在例子中間,作為插入語使用。

ginseng, for example, is a kind of chinese herb.人蔘,比方說,是一種中國草藥。 不可以作為插入語使用

2 位置:句首,句中,句末

1. a computer is very helpful in our lives. for example, it can be used as money to pay for anything.

2. ginseng, for example, is a kind of chinese herb.

3. gingseng is a kind of chinese herb, for example. 位置:句中

the farm grows various kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton and rice.

3 for example可接名詞也可以接句子 such as 後面多接名詞

4 for example前面用句號,或逗號 such as 前面不用標點或逗號


for example 可用在句中 句首 句末指同類人或事中的一個,such as可以分開用


在初中階段的話,標準的說法是for example只列舉一個例子,such as可列舉多個


for example用以說明, 論證某一點such as 用以列舉前文所提及到的內容.-----------------------------------


如對本題有疑問可追問,good luck!

是不是for example後加句子such as後加幾個短語或單詞?我們英語書上寫

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